- Prices fluctuate from year to year. 物价年年波动。
- Things get worse from year to year. 事情一年比一年糟糕。
- From year to year the moons look alike, old and new. 江月年年只相似
- The family have food enough to spare from year to year. 全家富足、年年有余
- Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his season from year to year. 所以你每年要按着日期守这例。
- This debt has been carried forward from year to year; when will it be paid? 这笔欠帐已年复一年地结转下来;啥时才能清帐?
- They worked on and on from year to year until the golden bowl is broken. 他们年复一年地干呀干,直到失去金饭碗。
- LEARN: Buy heirloom garden seeds and save the seeds from year to year. 学习: 买一些珍贵的果实种子,年复一年的收集保存。
- From year to year this soul had dried away slowly, but with fatal sureness. 年复一年,这个人的心慢慢地、但是无可挽救地越变越硬了。
- The quantity of precipitation varies greatly from year to year in these regions. 在这些地区每年降雨量的变化很大。
- Or shall we let high school keep rolling along,as it has from year to year even generation to generation? 或者,美国应该让高中像以往那样年复一年,甚至一代又一代地办下去?
- It varies from year to year, but usually falls in January or February on the Western calendar. 每年都不一样。通常是在一月或二月间。
- If the meteoroids are bunched together, the number of meteors seen varies from year to year. 如果流星体聚集在一起,则每年看到的流星数都不一样。
- From year to year the planet has turned more rapidly and the orders have not been changed! 这颗行星一年比一年转得更快,而命令却没有改。
- Since the world price of sugar fluctuates widely, the transfer varies from year to year. 由于国际糖价大起大落,(收入)转移额逐年变化。
- He had no faith in its duration and would assure you from year to year that its end was close at hand. 他不相信它能长期存在,年复一年地向你保证,它的末日已近在眉睫。
- But once a method has been selected, it should be followed consistently from year to year. 但是,一旦选用了某种计价方法后,就应年复一年地持续使用。
- Once gone, the yellow crane will never on earth alight; only white clouds still float in vain from year to year. 黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠
- The constellation changes from year to year and guarantees a high degree of objectivity and reliability. 值得一提的是红点产品设计奖与许多其它设计奖的不同之处在于是对真正的产品进行评审.
- Or shall we let high school keep rolling along, as it has from year to year even generation to generation? ?或者,美国应该让高中像以往那样年复一年,甚至一代又一代地办下去?