- They used to work from morning till night. 他们过去总是从早做到晚。
- The people next door play their radio from morning till night. 邻居从早到晚开着收音机。
- She always looks tired, dead and alive from morning till night. 她看去总是很疲倦,从早到晚一付不死不活的样子。
- The workers work from morning till night. 工人们从早到晚地劳作。
- They worked from morning till night. 他们从早到晚地工作。
- She works from morning till night. 她从早一直工作到晚。
- He worked from morning till night yesterday. 昨天他从早到晚地工作。
- He works from morning till night every day. 他每天都从早到晚地。
- He works from morning till night. 他从早到晚地工作。
- The boss made them work from morning till night. 老板使他们从早到晚地干活。
- She waits on her husband from morning till night. 她从早到晚伺候丈夫。
- They made him work from morning till night . 他们让他从早干到晚。
- They worked from morning till night . 他们从早到晚地工作。
- She is very busy from morning till night. 她从早到晚忙个不停。
- The trackmen work very hard from morning till dusk. 巡道工人披星戴月地执行任务。
- The enemy's planes bombed our positions from morning till noon. 敌机自清晨至中午轰炸了我们的阵地。
- A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night. 皮匠从早到晚不停地唱歌。
- The landlord made the farmhands work from morning till night. 地主迫使长工们从早到晚干活。
- She was sweating at her work from morning till night . 她从早到晚都在辛辛苦苦地工作着。
- The lights in this classroom stop on from morning till night. 这个教室的灯昼夜长明。