- from mid June to mid August 从六月中旬到八月中旬
- From January 18 to mid June, the related sectors of the IOC and the appraisal committee will study the application reports of the candidate cities. 第三,2001年1月18日至2月中旬,国际奥委会有关部门和评估委员会分析研究候选城市的《申办报告》。
- From January 18 to mid June,the related sectors of the IOC and the appraisal committee will study the application reports of the candidate cities. 1月18日至6月中旬,国际奥委会有关部门和评估委员会分析研究候选城市的《申办报告》。
- from mid July to mid August 从七月中到八月中
- Canicule is from late june to middle august. “三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- The campaign lasted from June to October. 这次战役从6月进行到10月。
- In cultivation, watering should generally begins from early to mid August for most species.Often a good drenching of the soil will encourage the plants to begin their growth cycles. 在人工栽培过程中大多数生石花浇水应该在八月上旬和中旬进行,土壤湿润能促进生石花根系的生长。
- In Britain the long vacation is from June to October. 在英国,长的假期是从六月到十月。
- From mid February to mid April, the appraisal committee will examine the candidate cities' capabilities in hosting the Games. A report will be submitted by mid May. 第四,2001年2月中旬到4月中旬,评估委员会对各申办城市进行考察,5月中旬评估委员会写出《考察报告》。
- From mid February to mid April,the appraisal committee will examine the candidate cities'capabilities in hosting the Games. A report will be submitted by mid May. 第四,2001年2月中旬到4月中旬,评估委员会对各申办城市进行考察,5月中旬评估委员会写出《考察报告》。
- The coldest months are June to August. 最冷的月份是六月到八月.
- The campaign lasted from June to October . 这次战役从6月进行到10月。
- Canicule is from late June to middle Aufust. “三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- Canicule is from late June to middle Augest. “三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- Dimitri:It's always shining and hot from June to August. 迪米特里:6月、7月和8月的天气总是炎热的,每天都出太阳。
- You can meet shops from mid of May. 五月中旬在韩国的商店内应该可以看到。
- I've heard of that. Canicule is from late June to middle August. 我听说过,“三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。
- He played the ball to mid - on . 他把球打至投手右侧外场员的附近。
- Light to mid straw in colour with a touch of green. 轻到中度的麦杆颜色,略带青色。
- Flowering period: June to September. 花期:六月到九月。