- Fine traditions should be passed on from generation to generation. 优良传统要世代相传。
- This blood feud was handed down from generation to generation. 这血海深仇传了一代又一代。
- This custom is transmitted from generation to generation. 这个习俗代代相传。
- It could flow through human veins from generation to generation. 它能够一代接一代地在人的血管里流通。
- Sunbird passes on from generation to generation beautiful fable. 一个世代相传的美丽传说。
- The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication. 口传将文化成分从社会一代人传至另一代人,尤指通过口头传授的方式
- The custom has been handed down from generation to generation. 这种习惯代代相传。
- This custom descended from generation to generation. 这习俗一代一代传下来。
- This spirit should be passed down from generation to generation. 这种精神应该一代一代地传下来。
- The tradition has been handed down from generation to generation. 这个传统被一代一代地传下来。
- This wisdom is handed down from generation to generation. 这是世世代代相传的智慧。
- This story passes down from generation to generation. 这个故事被一代一代的流传下来。
- This book was handed down from generation to generation. 这本书世代相传。
- This palace secret is hand down from generation to generation. 这个宫廷秘方一直是祖祖辈辈传下来的。
- This palace secrest is take over from generation to generation. 这个宫廷秘方一直是祖祖辈辈传下来的.
- It could flow through human veins from generation to generation . 它能够一代接一代地在人的血管里流通。
- We hope Sino-Japanese friendship will pass on from generation to generation. 我们希望中日友谊将世世代代继承下去。
- This valuable heirloom has been passed down from generation to generation. 这个珍贵的传家宝是代代相传的。
- His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. 他怜悯敬畏他的人,直到世世代代。
- The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. 同样的理论代代相传,而且总是正确。