- Customer: From November 7th to 10th. 从十一月七号到十号。
- For one week. From November 3rd to 7. 从11月3日到7日,总共一星期。
- G: For one week. From November 1 to 7 . 从11月1日到7日;总共一个星期.
- from November onward 从11月开始, 自11月起
- Winter in Beijing lasts from November to January. 北京的冬天从十一月份持续到一月份。
- From November to December,Acorus calamus was still in growth. 菖蒲从11月到12月仍在生长发育。
- Winter lasts from November to January, and is very cold. 冬天从十一月持续到一月;天气非常冷.
- Solid snow covers the ground from November to March. 从十一月到三月,地面都被厚实的雪覆盖着。
- Harvest takes place from November through June, with baited wire-mesh traps. 小龙虾的旺产季是从11月到次年六月,利用带饵的铁丝网进行诱捕。
- The governor of the Newsouthwales of Australia Robert Karl and his delegation visited Beijing from November 7th to 9th. 澳大利亚新南威尔士州州长罗伯特.;卡尔与2000年11月7日至9日率代表团访问了北京。
- The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held from November 8 to 14,2002. 中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会于2002年11月8日至14日召开。
- The enlarged Discount Window was available from November 15,1999,and would be available until January 31,2000. 由一九九九年十一月十五日至二零零零年一月三十一日,金管局扩大贴现窗的操作,暂时撤销现时对贴现窗的若干限制,以及接受更多债务证券为合资格抵押品,使持牌银行可透过贴现窗获取更多港元流动资金。
- From November to December,the two sides held negotiations on the "Three Principles of Hirota". 十一月至十二月间,中日双方就“广田三原则”多次进行谈判。
- The Hong Kong orchid tree blooms from November to March and has bigger flowers, which are pinkish purple in colour. 洋紫荆十一月至三月开花,花较大朵,紫红色。羊蹄甲花朵颜色不同,花瓣狭长而分离。
- A lake of northwest European U.S.S.R. between Lake Ladoga and the White Sea. It remains frozen from November to May. 奥涅尼加湖苏联西北欧部分的一个湖,位于拉多加湖和白海之间,结冰期从十一月到第二年五月
- From November 21, Ethiopian forces from the capital Mogadishu and Belet Weyne, capital of Hiran withdrawal. 从11月21日起,埃塞俄比亚部队将从首都摩加迪沙和希兰州首府贝莱德文撤离。
- The enlarged Discount Window was available from November 15, 1999, and would be available until January 31, 2000. 由一九九九年十一月十五日至二零零零年一月三十一日,金管局扩大贴现窗的操作,暂时撤销现时对贴现窗的若干限制,以及接受更多债务证券为合资格抵押品,使持牌银行可透过贴现窗获取更多港元流动资金。
- From November to December, the two sides held negotiations on the "Three Principles of Hirota". 十一月至十二月间,中日双方就“广田三原则”多次进行谈判。
- This week is a cashout week. We will start processing the requests after the 7th of each month. You can expect payments to start from the 8th of November onwards. 本周是请款周,我们会在7号以后开始处理请款。8号以后你可以开始关注是否收到支付。
- She has been employed with us from November 1997 as a receptionist and, most recently, as my executive secretary. 她于1997年11月开始受聘,担任前台接待,现在是我的执行秘书。