- To each of liquid and solid, the most of way is perpendicular installation, Make the Medium from lower to upper, It will be made attrition uniform in the transmitter, prolong using life-span. (3) 对于液固两相流体;最好采用垂直安装;使被测介质自下而上流动;可使变送器衬里磨损均匀;延长使用寿命.
- To each of liquid and solid ,the most of way is perpendicular installation ,Make the Medium from lower to upper, It will be made attrition uniform in the transmitter, prolong using life-span. 对于液固两相流体;最好采用垂直安装;使被测介质自下而上流动;可使变送器衬里磨损均匀;延长使用寿命.
- Linear flow from low to full opening. 从小到全开的线性流。
- learning from lower to upper level 下学上达
- The reason that the SP is incremented after the push is to make sure that the stack is growing toward RAM location 7FH, from lower addresses to upper addresses. 举行第二次随堂考有同学问专题方面的事宜,老师将回答内容给同学们做参考。
- Range() returns an array of elements from low to high, inclusive. range()返回数组中从low到high的单元,包括它们本身。
- Retreat in order to advance, from low to high, it's the art of self-display. 以退为进,由低到高,能屈能伸,能上能下,这是自我表现的一种艺术。
- The list specifies the order of precedence from lowest to highest. 该列表指定从最低级到最高级的优先级顺序。
- To make a tennis ball spin forward, the racquet must be moving from low to high at contact. 为了要使网球球旋转向前,网拍一定要在接触点从低到高移动。
- Defense from low to high followed: as much as black and white tanks, large green up. 防御力从低到高依次为:黑色高达,白色坦克,绿色大型高达。
- In terms of geodynamics, the NCC has experienced several tectonic stages ranging from the Middle and Upper Proterozoic divergent epicontinents, the Lower to Upper Paleozoic convergent epicontinents, to the Phanerozoic Mesozoic craton activation. 从构造动力体制来看 ;华北克拉通在漫长的演化历史中曾经历过中晚元古代的离散型陆缘、早古生代到晚古生代的汇聚型陆缘和显生宙中生代克拉通活化多个构造阶段 .
- Primary waves were recorded at a mean propagation speed of 55.58 mm/s from UES to upper segment of esophagus ,22.15 mm/s from upper to middle segment,41.12 mm/s from middle to lower segment,and 14.09 mm/s from lower segment to LES. 食管下括约肌的静息压为2.;55±1
- The Dirac_Slater method is used to calculate the photoionization cross sections of Bi~79+ from low to high energy. 基于Dirac_Slater自洽场方法,计算了Bi79+离子从低能到高能的光电离截面以及其逆过程Bi80+的辐射复合截面;
- With the development of evolution from lower to higher the structure of the "lungs" have an evolution course from unclear to clear and finally very clear. 对鳞翅目19科43种幼虫研究表明,“肺”结构在鳞翅目中具有普遍性,且随着进化由低等到高等的发展,“肺”结构表现出由不太清晰到清晰,再到十分清晰的进化过程。
- Kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy. 减少自动调温机的使用以节约能源
- Amphioxus is a humble small animals, but it is no vertebrate evolution from lower to higher vertebrate animals in the middle of the transition, but also ancestors of the model. 文昌鱼虽然是不起眼的小动物,但它是从低级无脊椎动物进化到高等脊椎动物的中间过渡的动物,也是脊椎动物祖先的模型。
- String to convert to upper case. 要转换为大写的字符串。
- Thirdly, that seepage rate is sensitive to porosity of filling material and will change obviously with porosity changing from low to high. 渗透速度对孔隙率很敏感,在孔隙率从低到高的变化过程中,渗透性也会从低到高发生很大的变化。
- Cross the river to gain access to upper compound. 渡河到上面的建筑群找到入口。