- The development of traditional Tibetan medical industry will hawe a profound impact and great meaning to the frog leap development of society and economy of Tibet. 文章对西藏藏药产业科技创新能力进行了评价指标体系的设置,并利用因子分析法,结合聚类分析,对西藏藏药产业科技创新能力进行了横向比较分析。
- Sarah opened the box and a frog leapt out. 莎拉一打开盒子青蛙就跳了出来。
- A Discrete Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm(DSFLA) is proposed to solve Timetabling Problem(ETP),and employs the simple neighborhood search to present two improvement strategies. 摘要 针对考试时间安排问题,提出了一种离散化蛙跳求解算法,并结合简化邻域搜索算法给出了两种改进策略。
- OLY will firmly hold the opportunities and stirve to realize leaping development in this key period concerned worldwide. 奥菱将牢牢把握机遇,在举世瞩目的关键时期力争实现跨越式发展。
- In order to implement leaping development and quicken tempo of China railway informatization ,it was built thee-Business Web station of Shenyang Railway Administration . 为了实现我国铁路跨越式发展、加快铁路信息化建设,沈阳铁路局积极开展了电子商务门户网站的建设工作。
- As the main artery of national economy, railway needed to be supported by abundant manpower resource, especially after the strategy of leaping development is brought forward. 铁路是国民经济的大动脉,特别是铁路提出了跨越式发展的战略,更迫切需要有充裕的人力资源作支撑。
- Since the establishment of the leap development in Japan, doctor wild city business widely publicized. 自创立至今飞跃发展的城野医生,在日本经济界广受瞩目。
- Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm(SFLA ) 混合蛙跳算法
- Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm(SFLA) 混合蛙跳算法
- Discrete Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm(DS-FLA) 离散混合蛙跳算法
- Discrete Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm(DSFLA) 离散混合蛙跳算法
- Taibai Distillery has achieved leap development for the recent 7 consecutive years.Its sales revenue and tax payment has increased 8 times and 20 times respectively. 摘要陕西省太白酒厂实现连续7年跨跃式发展,销售收入增长8倍,利税增长20倍。
- Chinese investment developed out of nothing and realized the leaping development in the last 30 years. 30年来,中国对非投资从无到有,实现了跨越式发展。
- The other frog leaped straight up and then hopped off in a lively manner all the way across the room. 斯麦尔利喊了一声,两个人就都用手碰了碰了他们的青蛙。
- The paper, from the strategic angle, discusses the experience and problems of Guizhou ethnic education and puts forward the idea to realizing leaping development of Guizhou ethnic education. 本文从战略的高度审视贵州民族教育的经验和问题,对实现贵州民族教育跨越式发展提出了可行的思考。
- As a frog leaps from a bright green leaf to a muddy brown pond, the cells in its skin adjust the frog's hue to match and keep the frog hidden. 当青蛙从光亮的绿叶跳到褐色的泥塘中,皮肤内的色素细胞马上会调整青蛙的肤色,让它与周围环境相一致,隐藏起来。
- The employment of CALL in the College English Teaching is the key approach to the leaping developments in the Foreign Languages Teaching. 高校扩招后的大学英语教学将多媒体CALL教学应用到大班教学,是促进外语教学呈跨越式发展的一条重要途径。
- A frog leaped out. 一只青蛙跳了出来。
- leaping development of Lanzhou Aluminum 兰州铝业跨越式发展
- The magician transformed the frog into a princess. 魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。