- fringed micelle 缨状微束
- The ancient city was fringed with wall. 这座古城四周围著城墙。
- The estate was fringed with stately elms. 那片地以挺拔的榆树为边界。
- A low-cut sports shoe with fringed laces. 有流苏饰带的低帮运动鞋。
- fringed micelle structure 毛边胶束结构
- The road was fringed with willows. 道路两旁柳树成行。
- The river is fringed with trees. 河两边种有树。
- A line of trees fringed the pool. 水池周围种植着一排树木。
- Semidouble dark burgundy-purple/white fringed edge. 半重瓣深紫红到深紫色,白色折边花。
- The road was fringed with [by] flowering azaleas. 道路两旁点缀着盛开的杜鹃花。
- The fields here were fringed with pine trees. 这片区域被松树团团围住。
- The sleeve edges and cape were also fringed. 袖口和披肩也有缘饰。
- Single wine fringed pansy/ dark wine tips. 单瓣酒红色须边堇型花,花瓣尖端为较暗的酒红色。
- Added monomer diffuses into the micelle for polymerization. 加入的单体扩散进入胶团做聚合反应。
- The beach was fringed by coconut palms. 沿海岸边长着椰子树。
- The edge of the lake was fringed with reeds. 湖边长满了芦苇。
- The house is fringed by fields and woodlands. 这房子的周围是田地和树林。
- Fringed with palm trees, all hotel face the beach. 棕榈树下,所有的宾馆都面向海滩。
- Chiral micelle has asymmetric induction to some reactions. 手性胶束对反应有手性诱导作用。
- The weaver fringed the edge of the scarf. 织工在围巾边上装穗