- An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。
- frigate mackerel 扁舵鲣,舵鲣
- Holy mackerel! What a way to run all army! 好家伙,这是什么指挥部队的方式呀!
- The frigate rammed the submarine. 护卫舰撞击了潜艇。
- The frigate made for the open sea. 那艘护卫舰驶向大海。
- A mackerel sky is a sure sign of rain to come. 天空出现稀薄的排状斑纹云,那预兆天要下雨了。
- The frigate is on the stocks in a British yard. 那艘护航舰现在一家英国造船厂中建造。
- I declare we could fight frigate. 我敢说我们简直可以和一艘战舰交战。
- They're heading for the medical frigate. 他们往医务船去了 <p>压力稳定
- These fish include herring, mackerel and salmon. 这些鱼包括:鲱鱼、鲭以及鲑鱼。
- An enemy frigate boredown on the sloop. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。
- He sent her a box of her favourite chocolates. It was a sprat to catch a mackerel, and he waited eagerly for her reply. 他送给她一盒她最喜欢吃的巧克力,这是想吃小亏占大便宜,现在他正迫切地等待着她的反应。
- Corvette: Fast naval vessel smaller than a frigate. 小型巡防舰:小型快速海军船只,比中型巡防舰低一个等级。
- Throw out a sprat to catcha mackerel. 抛出小鱼钓大鱼。
- The frigate made for the open sea . 那艘巡防舰开向大海。
- Throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel. 抛出小鱼钓大鱼。
- A mackerel sky is never long dry. 鱼鳞天,干不了半天。
- China delivers frigate to Pakistan. 中国护卫舰正式交付巴基斯坦。
- Such as tilefish, swordfish, shark, king mackerel. 比如说方头鱼、旗鱼、鲨鱼、鲭鱼。
- BUSHAN-RE: The CLEE-SAN? A frigate class vessel? 布申-瑞:克利-桑?那艘护卫舰级的飞船?