- The Philippines isour friendly nation. 菲律宾是我们的友邦。
- The ambassador of the friendly nation refused to give any interviews to journalists or TV men. 我在异国他乡遇到故知。
- Create a special relationship with a single friendly nation. 跟一个国家发展特殊的合作关系。
- Declare Patron: Create a special relationship with a single friendly nation. 宣布赞助:跟一个国家发展特殊的合作关系。
- The shipper has the~ of dispatching goods on a vessel flying the flag of any friendly nation. 发运人有权选择悬挂任何友好国家旗帜的船只装运货物。
- Open Smuggler's Cove: Allow your extra commodities to be sold to a friendly nation. 鼓励走私犯: 这样做你的额外的产品就可以卖给一个“友好”的国家。
- Open Smuggler’s Cove: Allow your extra commodities to be sold to a friendly nation. 鼓励走私犯:这样做你的额外的产品就可以卖给一个“友好”的国家。
- The shipper has the ~ of dispatching goods on a vessel flying the flag of any friendly nation. 发运人有权选择悬挂任何友好国家旗帜的船只装运货物。
- It is an imperative that we help defend friendly nations. 我们有义务帮助友国抵制侵略。
- The friendly nation amazed that dyspeptic place brings about is talked, is old age landlord on whose booth. 消化不良所导致的友邦惊诧论,谁摊上谁就是晚年地主。
- It began designing the Humvee in 1979, and since then has sold more than 200,000 to the U.S. military and friendly nations, the company said on its Web site. 美国自动车综合公司在其网站说到:“自1979年设计制造“赫姆维”以来,美国自动车综合公司已经向美国军队以及友好国家出售超过20万辆此类型军车。
- A friendly nation comes to the relief 与国声援
- The meeting is gone on in very friendly atmosphere. 会议在非常友好的气氛中进行。
- Only in Yunnan Province,the United Nations Children's Fund,international organizations in Canada,Australia and New Zealand and friendly nations have given support to 32 projects on women's development,bringing more than 4.8 million yuan. 仅云南省就争取了联合国儿基会、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国际组织、友好国家援助的妇女发展项目32个,吸引资金480多万元。
- Only in this way could one make sure that all the free energy potentially present in the form of human resources is channeled effectively within a wider cooperative organization amongst friendly nations. 只有这样,人们才会确保,在友好国家间更为广泛地进行合作的组织中,那些人力资源中表现出来的所有自由能量能得到有效利用。
- He's a friendly chatty sort of person. 他这个人挺和善,很爱讲话。
- Our neighbourhood police are very friendly. 我们邻近的警察非常友善。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- Customs duties have been used with increasing frequency as a weapon in foreign policy: the products of friendly nations are often taxed at lower rates than those of indifferent or openly hostile countries. 在外交政策上,关税被用作一种加强联系的武器:友好国家产品的进口税往往低于关系一般或公开敌对的国家产品的进口税。
- I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。