- In this paper, Lijiang Ancient Town is described for the use of freshwater resource as attractive landscaping. 本文中,丽江古城利用淡水资源作为景观用水发展旅游业。
- Similarly,the per-capita share of freshwater resources is just one quarter of the world average. 人均淡水资源也只及世界的四分之一。
- Some of the vast freshwater resources of the Shield are used to generate electricity. 地盾内有些巨大的新鲜水源被用来生产电力。
- This leaves less than one per cent of the world's freshwater resources accessible for human use. 全世界的淡水资源中,只剩下不到百分之一的部分可供人使用。
- Similarly, the per-capita share of freshwater resources is just one quarter of the world average. 人均淡水资源也只及世界的四分之一。
- Key words: Saline groundwater, Freshwater resources, eco-environment, urban area. 关键词:地下咸水,淡水资源,生态环境,城区
- Can human demand for water be fully met by using only circulating renewable freshwater resources (RFWR)? 可只使用循环再生淡水资源(RFWR)是否能够充分满足人类对水的需求?
- Within the United Nations system,matters relating to freshwater resources,including sanitation,are dealt with by more than 23 different bodies. 在联合国系统内,与淡水资源有关的事务,包括卫生在内,由23 个不同的机构负责。
- Within the United Nations system, matters relating to freshwater resources, including sanitation,are dealt with by more than 23 different bodies. 三.;国际活动和倡议 9
- Besides this, China's per-capita average of forested land, grassland and freshwater resources amounts to only one-ninth, one-third and one-fourth of the respective world averages. 除此之外,中国的人均林地、草地、淡水资源分别只及世界平均水平的九分之一、三分之一和四分之一。
- Besides this,China's per-capita average of forested land,grassland and freshwater resources amounts to only one-ninth,one-third and one-fourth of the respective world averages. 除此之外,中国的人均林地、草地、淡水资源分别只及世界平均水平的九分之一、三分之一和四分之一。
- Moreover,contacts have been made with other important actors in the field of freshwater resources,including the Global Water Partnership,the World Water Council and many others. 此外,还与淡水资源领域其他重要行动者进行了联系,包括全球水事伙伴关系、世界水事理事会和许多其他行动者。
- Jiajing Island, situated in Shimei Bay of Hainan, is an inshore isle abound in freshwater resources with the advantageous natural resources, location and promising prospect. 海南石梅湾加井岛有着优越的自然资源、良好的区位优势和美好的发展前景,是为数不多的具有淡水资源且离大陆较近的袖珍岛屿。
- The International Year of Freshwater,2003 provides an opportunity to follow up on the outcomes of the Summit and to consolidate and build upon the many efforts carried out to date to protect,use and manage freshwater resources in a sustainable manner. 2003年,国际淡水年提供了一个机会,得以落实首脑会议的成果,以及综合和奠基于迄今以可持续方式为保护、使用和管理淡水资源进行的许多努力。
- In recent years,China's average annual amount of freshwater resources has been 2,800 billion cu m,ranking sixth in the world; but the amount of freshwater resources per capita is only one fourth of the world's average. 全国近年来年平均淡水资源总量为28000亿立方米,居世界第六位,但人均占有量仅为世界平均水平的四分之一;
- It is stressing the need to increase the awareness of government partners,national and international organizations,NGOs and the private sector concerning the importance of freshwater resources for the survival and development of children. 它强调,政府伙伴、国家和国际组织、非政府组织和私营部门对淡水资源对儿童的生存与发展的重要性需要提高认识。
- Collective action is required to build and strengthen the institutional and human capacity to continue sustainable freshwater resources development and protection efforts far beyond 2003.III. International activities and initiatives. 需要采取集体行动,以建立和加强体制和人的能力,使得可持续淡水资源发展和保护努力在2003 年之后许久仍能延续下去。
- In recent years China's average annual amount of freshwater resources has been 2,800 billion cu m, ranking sixth in the world; but the amount of freshwater resources per capita is only one fourth of the world's average. 全国近年来年平均淡水资源总量为28000亿立方米,居世界第六位,但人均占有量仅为世界平均水平的四分之一;
- The International Year of Freshwater, 2003 provides an opportunity to follow up on the outcomes of the Summit and to consolidate and build upon the many efforts carried out to date to protect, use and manage freshwater resources in a sustainable manner. 2003年国际淡水年提供了一个机会,得以落实首脑会议的成果,以及综合和奠基于迄今以可持续方式为保护、使用和管理淡水资源进行的许多努力。
- It is stressing the need to increase the awareness of government partners, national and international organizations, NGOs and the private sector concerning the importance of freshwater resources for the survival and development of children. 儿童基金会强调,政府伙伴、国家和国际组织、非政府组织和私营部门对淡水资源对儿童的生存与 发展的重要性需要提高认识。