- She was fresh and natural and quick to understand, to speak. 她朝气蓬勃,天真烂漫,头脑灵敏,想到什么就说什么。
- Features Fresh and roasted cereal taste; Convenient man handling; Good float performance; Rich in plant protein and natural dietary fiber. 产品特征具有新鲜烘焙谷物的风味;应用方便,可直接用于干混;麦片基料浸泡时间长,上浮比例大;营养成分丰富,富含植物蛋白和天然膳食纤维。
- Fresh and silk-like pure milk, combining rose juice and natural oceanic salt, can purify and whiten skin, and remove aged horniness. 鲜鲜的、滑滑的纯牛奶,加上玫瑰花的花蕊提取液及天然海盐,能净白肌肤,去除老化角质。
- The study gives priority to tone with reseda, pure and fresh and natural, additional set coat ark, convenient store content. 书房以浅绿色为主调,清新自然,另设有大衣柜,方便储物。
- Fresh and natural texture, improve the renew of the skin, moisture and aromatize, full of the fragrance of charm, suitable to all type of skin. 质地清爽自然,促进肌肤再生,令肌肤水润、芳香,充满着让人不由亲近的芳香魅力,适合任何肤质。
- The pupils will have a chance to experience the healthy、fresh and natural Italian gelato with the coupons during the period of validity. 碧云社区在校中小学生可凭此券在有效期限内免费品尝冰淇淋球,体验健康、新鲜、自然的意式冰淇淋。
- It lastingly locks the hair style, shield heat and UV, while replenishing nutrients and moisture to hair, let your hair keep stylish, shining, fresh and natural. 造型保湿持久、抗热防晒,同时补充头发的养份及水份,让您的头发造型独特及鲜明亮丽、清爽自然。
- Our deodorants really work well to control odour, even in muggy heat. It feels real fresh and natural and does protect against smells, underarm bacteria etc. 用家体验显示,此系列的产品即使在酷热的夏日?外活动后,仍能保持清新。
- Fresh and dried fruits are easily available now. 现在,干鲜果品很容易买到。
- The country abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个国家有许多风景优美的自然景观。
- The morning dawned fresh and clear after the storm. 暴风雨之后,破晓时天朗气清。
- The grassland smelt fresh and sweet after rain. 雨后的草原一片清香。
- The main purpose is fresh and bright. 主旨鲜明。
- It makes the Wok-Seared Pig Tripe fresh and crisp. 爆肚除要新鲜以外,功夫在爆上,爆的时间要恰倒好处,爆肚又脆又鲜。
- Saran Wrap seals in freshness and seals out odors. 莎纶这种品牌的塑胶包装纸保住新鲜,除去臭味。
- He taught Irene botany and natural history. 他教绮瑞娜认识植物和学习自然史。
- The young grass looks so fresh and green. 小草看上去那样葱绿。
- The district abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个地区有许多秀丽美景和自然奇观。
- He looked fresh and neat in a clean white shirt. 他穿上干净的白衬衫显得清爽利落。
- Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources. 马来西亚人材济济,并拥有丰富的天然资源。