- We fly in fresh fish every day from Guangzhou. 我们每天从广州用飞机运进新鲜鱼。
- I do not like the taste of fresh fish. 我不喜欢鲜鱼的味道。
- The steamed seasonal fresh fish is very good. 清蒸时鲜鱼很好。
- Fresh fish and guests stink in three days. 作客莫久住,久住令人厌。
- They are railing for fresh fish. 他们在捕鲜鱼。
- Today fish collecting is still an exciting hobby in the Unite States. 在今天的美国,养鱼依然是一种激动人心的爱好。
- It's made of ground fresh fish,which becomes hard. After steaming. 这是用磨碎的鲜鱼制成的,蒸过后会变硬。
- Today fish collecting is still an exciting hobby in the United States. 在今天的美国,养鱼依然是一种激动人心的爱好。
- Fresh fish and poor friends become soon ill savoured. 人穷讨人嫌。
- Sashimi, on the other hand, is fresh fish served raw. 另外,生鱼片就是指未经加工的新鲜生鱼肉。
- Fresh fish constitute one of Hong Kong's most important primary products. 鲜鱼是香港最主要的原产品之一。
- In the port of Ajaccio, the fishermen are just playing up to sell fresh fish. 在阿雅克肖的港口,渔民们正在出售刚打上来的新鲜海鱼。
- The freshest fish smell after three days. 再鲜的鱼三天也会变臭。
- Only fresh fish may be cooked in its own juice; stale fish must be flavored with anchovy sauce and pepper and mustard the more the better. 故鲜鱼腐鱼皆可红烧,而独鲜鱼可以清蒸,否则入口本味之甘恶立见。
- CIS Intelligence Collecting Ship 独联体情报搜集舰
- The head noun in the phrase'fresh fish'is'fish,'which is the direct object in the sentence'I bought fresh fish'. 短语‘鲜鱼’的中心名词是‘鱼’,它是句子‘我买了鲜鱼’的直接宾语。
- We enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit from the garden, and fresh fish from the river. 我们享用从果菜园摘的新鲜的蔬菜和水果,从河里打来的新鲜的鱼。
- A few blocks from Jusco, is one of Zhuhai's freshest fish markets. 吉之岛附近,有珠海最新鲜的鱼市场。方向请见地图。
- The natural taste of fresh fish and the vine rice makes a perfect marriage called sushi. 鲜鱼的自然风味配上醋饭,这种完美的搭配就是寿司。