- frequently abused drugs 常见毒品
- Yet, alcohol ranks as one of the most widely abused drugs. 但是酒精却属于最为广泛滥用的药物之一。
- The payouts, used for years to keep coveted employees from leaving during periods of corporate upheaval, are frequently abused, critics say. 这些花费;用于数年在企业动荡期间阻止有能力的员工离开;经常被滥用;批评人士说.
- The way that an application represents information is another way that it can obtrude noisily into a person’s consciousness. One area frequently abused is the representation of quantitative, or numeric, information. 某个应用程序展示信息的过程,也有可能是扰乱人知觉的过程,数量或者说数值信息就经常被滥用。
- Youngsters taking these drugs are also more likely to smoke, research finds, while Ritalin and amphetamines are commonly abused drugs. 研究发现,长期服用立得宁的年轻人吸烟者比例较高。而立得宁和其他安非他明类药物也是坊间被滥用的热门药物。
- A critical clue came from the effects of another abused drug: PCP (phencyclidine), also known as angel dust. 关键线索来自另一个滥用药物苯环利啶(phencyclidine,PCP,俗称天使尘)所产生的作用。
- Objective:To investigate the effect of application of fluorescence polarizat ion immunoassay(FPIA) to monitoring therapeutic and abused drugs. 目的:探讨荧光偏振免疫分析技术在临床治疗药物监测/滥用药物检测的应用效果。
- Thismethod has been proved to be important and effective for the detection and identification of abused drugs andtheir metabolites in biological samples from poisoned persons. 此法被证明对中毒者的生物样品进行滥用药物及其代谢物的检测和鉴定是重要的和有效的。
- The study found that marijuana was the most commonly abused drug -- 8.5 percent said they had abused it -- followed by cocaine (2.8 percent) and amphetamines (2 percent). 此研究发现大麻是滥用最为普遍的毒品--8.;5%25的人说他们曾滥用它--其次是可卡因(2
- He domineered poor Spot, frequently abusing him only to prove those he were in a dominant position. 他压制可怜的点点,常常虐待他只是想证明本人的至高无上。
- He domineered ugly Spot, frequently abusing he only to prove these he were in a dominant position. 他压制可怜的点点,常常虐待他只是想证明自己的至高无上。
- Parents also should set an example for their children by not abusing drugs. 父母还应自己不吸毒为孩子做出榜样。
- A caring mother is the single most important factor in preventing teenagers from abusing drugs and alcohol, researchers said on Friday. 有研究者5月10日发表声明说,一位慈爱的母亲在预防青少年吸毒和酗酒中扮演着最重要的角色。
- Worrying until you get sick, abusing drugs or denying that you've reached an impasse won't help either. 烦恼到生病、吸毒或不承认自己碰到了僵局,这些都是没有帮助的。
- The government has established a workgroup to investigate the problem of abusing drugs. 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题.
- The government has organized a group to inspect into the issue of abusing drugs. 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题.
- He comes to visit me frequently. 他经常来看我。
- Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests. 储存的谷物经常受到害虫的破坏。
- Riots are of frequent occurrence in this province. 这省经常发生骚乱。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。