- frequency dead band 频差死区
- Closed-loop control and raise dead band compensation, make low frequency outputs torsion to rise further, the rated torsion of 150% can be outputted when 1Hz. 闭环控制及增加死区补偿,使低频输出转矩进一步提高,1Hz 时可输出150%25的额定转矩。
- The dead band in the stem prohibits the use of any presently available separate pneumatic openers. 阀杆的无控制作用区禁止任何现有的分离的气动开启工具的使用。
- Abstract: The compensation of Dead Band is an important problem in designing a closed-loop Fiber Optic Gyroscope. 文摘:克服死区是闭环光纤陀螺设计中需要考虑的重要问题。
- Through choosing the dead band time of amortize capacitor and numerical value, can realize soft switch in all operation pattern. 通过选择缓冲电容器的死区时间和数值,便能够在所有运行模式中实现软开关。
- The multihole steaming bucket apparatus used widely at present has the disadvantages such as leakage, channeling and dead band. 以茅台酒为代表的我省许多固态发酵白酒的生产,多采用甑桶式设备来蒸酒。
- The Forward Passage Gain (FPG) is an important factor that affects the detection Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR) and dead band nonlinearity of Fiber Optic Gyroscope (FOG). 摘要前向增益(FPG)是影响光纤陀螺检测信噪比和死区非线性效应的重要参数。
- And, because all displacement systems have a small dead band that we must go through, we again tend to sample to continuously reacquaint ourselves with just where the dead band ends and the control begins. 还有,因为所有的传动系统都有一个很小的死区需要我们克服,我们试图反复验证哪里是死区的终结哪里是控制起作用的地方以让自己心中有数。
- Tracking errors occur during the position tracking because the three degrees of freedom (d. o. f.) hydraulic servo joint is a nonlinear dynamic system with saturation, dead band and stroke coupling. 摘要三自由度液压伺服关节在实现位置跟踪时存在跟踪误差,原因在于液压伺服关节是一个具有饱和、结构死区和强耦合的动力学系统。
- Analysis on Faults in Busbar Protection Dead Band 平班电站母线保护死区故障浅析
- Time Control System of IGBT Frequency Changer Dead Band Based on Artificial Nerve Network 基于人工神经网络的IGBT变频器死区时间控制系统
- System Compensation Scheme of PWM Inverter's Dead Band PWM逆变器死区效应的系统补偿方案
- Error dead band setting to avoid frequent valve movement, 可以设定死区以防止阀门频繁动作;
- He varied the transmission frequency. 他变换了无线电传送的频率。
- Dead Band of Laser Gyro and Rate Bias Control System 激光陀螺锁区及速率偏频控制系统
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- This effect is obvious at lower frequency band. 这种效应在振动低频区段更为显著。
- The assigned frequency band is 928 MHz to 902 MHz. 那分配频率乐团是 902个百万赫兹至 928个百万赫兹。
- Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years. 近年来死亡事故发生的频率已经下降。