- The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. 这种药能降低发病次数和严重程度。
- These fights may not be serious at first but as the hamster matures the frequency and severity of the fights increase. 由于它们在晚上很活跃,所以打架事件多发生在夜间,这时候主人会不意注意到,从而造成仓鼠严重受伤甚至死亡。
- Epidemiologic studies suggest that the frequency and severity of asthma is higher in obese people. 流行病学研究显示,肥胖病患的气喘严重度与发作频率较高。
- Darifenacin can reduce the frequency of urinary incontinence and frequency and severity of urgency in patients with OAB. 它能明显减少尿失禁和排尿次数,降低尿急的程度,有良好的耐受性。
- Risk is correlated by loss frequency and severity, so MPL maybe damages a company to fall away, especially for exposure of explosion fire. 发现在五年实例验证中,包括核保利润、灾案评级及损失率控制,均有不错的效果。
- We are already seeing changes in rainfall; an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events; melting sea ice and permafrost; retreating glaciers. 气温不断升高,降水量开始改变,极度恶劣的天气情况愈加频繁,破坏力也更大。海平面的冰块开始溶化,永久冻土也开始解冻,冰山开始消退。
- Using a lower dose with food would markedly reduce the amount of unabsorbed drug and therefore theoretically also reduce the frequency and severity of diarrhea. 他们观察到,相较于要病患一套空腹吃,一套随餐吃的复杂处理方式,一次投予所有药量且与食物并服似乎较为简单。
- Postoperatively, the frequency and severity of epistaxis decreased dramatically in all patients.The demand for emergent treatment also decreased significantly. 术后所有病患鼻出血的频率及严重度显著减低,医疗的需求次数也明显减少。
- The idea of inherent safety is changing the way plants are designed,so that the inherent risk of chemical plants is reduced.This should help reduce the frequency and severity of catastrophic accidents such as those at Flixborough and Bhopal. 安全性的概念正从方法上改变着化工厂设计,使内在的危险性得以降低,这就有助于降低类似于发生在Flixboroug和Bhopal那样的灾难性事故的频率及其损害性。
- There appears a global consensus over the impact of global warming.Wheat yields are down, water is becoming scarcer and the frequency and severity of floods and droughts are increasing. 全球气候变暖对我们造成的不良影响已经是有目共睹了:小麦生产量降低,水资源越来越缺乏,洪涝灾害和干旱发生的频率和危害度增大。
- The initial experimental results indicate that this protocol helps to reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbation in COPD patients and improves sustainability of symptom control. 初步执行此加重因子自我监测方案于一位个案后,发现此方案降低个案的急性发作频率、严重度,提升症状控制的持续性。
- The result shows that the relationship between diurnal variation of lightning frequency and severe convection weather. 分析结果表明:闪电频数的日变化与强对流天气发生有一定对应关系;
- We have limited funds and several competing claims. 我们的基金有限而争相申请的却有几处。
- High Frequency and Temperature Stability. 高频及高温稳定。
- Radio frequency and communication test equipment. 射频通信综合测试仪。
- Stay on one frequency and keep on calling. 在一个频率上坚持地呼叫(换句话说就是不要轻易扫地?)
- I'm really at six and sever over takeing this new job. 是否要这份新工作,我真拿不准。
- The frequency and amplitude of vibration are monitored. 振动的频率与振幅受到监控。
- Optimal Bonus-Malus System with Frequency and Severity Component 一种基于索赔次数和索赔额的奖惩系统
- Evaluate the frequency and duration of your sneezes. 根据打喷嚏的频率与长短判断。