- Evaluate the frequency and duration of your sneezes. 根据打喷嚏的频率与长短判断。
- frequency and duration method 停电频率和持续时间法
- Plays the sound of a beep of a specified frequency and duration through the console speaker. 通过控制台扬声器播放具有指定频率和持续时间的提示音。
- Vindication (Retribution) frequency and duration increased and now reduces all attributes by 5/10/15%. 辩护增加持续时间和触发机会,降低5/10/15%25属性。
- To maximize concurrency in a program, we must minimize the frequency and duration of lock acquisition. 为了使程序中的并发效用最大化,必须最小化锁定获取的频率和时长。
- Have you instrumented the JVM to capture the frequency and duration of garbage collections? 您是否通过对Java虚拟机进行特殊处理来捕获垃圾回收的频率和周期?
- Other new class members control the foreground and background colors of text, the visibility and size of the cursor, and the frequency and duration of the console beep. 其他新的类成员控制文本的前景色和背景色、光标的可见性和大小以及控制台提示音的频率和持续时间。
- The results indicated a significant decrease in the frequency and duration of Raynaud's episodes and a striking improvement in the incidence and healing of ulcers. 结果显示,在雷诺现象发生率和持续时间方面给药组获得了明显的降低,发病率和溃疡愈合均得到显著改善。
- Within certain limits, the degree of postoverdrive suppression (PDS) and negative chronotropic effect was proportional to the frequency and duration of the driving stimulus. 结果表明,在一定范围内右房超速驱动后阻抑及驱动后的负性变速效应,随驱动频率和驱动时程增加而加强。
- Clinical experience to date suggests stem cell therapy for inflammatory bowel disorders can promote longer periods of remission and reduce the frequency and duration of relapses. 临床实验显示通过对炎性肠病的干细胞治疗能延长缓解期及缩短复发期的频率和持续时间。
- The six children were treated with flunarizine, one of them had completely ceased episodes, and others showed a reducted frequency and duration of the hemiplegic attacks. 应用氟桂嗪治疗后,1例患儿发作完全停止,其余5例患儿均显示发作频率和持续时间降低。
- Parental anxiety, the number of AEDs, onset age, seizuring frequency and duration were significantly associated with quality of life of children(P<0.05). 偏相关分析显示,患儿生活质量与父母焦虑、抗癫痫药数量、首次发作年龄、发作频率和病程等呈显著相关(P<0.;05)。
- Other unanswered questions about musculoskeletal injury include the value of ice, compression, and elevation, as well as the optimal frequency and duration of these treatments. 其他有关肌肉骨骼损伤尚未解答的问题包括:冰敷、加压、抬高的价值及这些治疗方法的最佳频率和持续时间。
- In 16 patients the frequency and duration of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation were decreased markedly compared with those before atrial pacemaker implantation (P<0.01 and P<0.05). 16例术前阵发性心房颤动者,术后发作频率及时间明显减少(P<0.;01、0
- Brown Motion and Duration Method in Government Bonds'Price Behavior 国债价格行为的布朗桥运动模型与久期方法比较
- After atrial pacemaker implantation,the frequency and duration of paroxysmal AFL and AF in normal IHR group were lessened significantly compared with those of abnormal IHR group ( P <0.05). 术后 IHR正常组阵发性 AFL、AF发作的频率及每次发作持续时间显著少于 IHR异常组 (P<0 .;0 5 )。
- In anti-pruritus assay, Qufeng Zhiyang tincture could decrease scratching frequency and duration induced by dextran and increase itch-threshold of cavy caused by histamine phosphate. 止痒试验显示,祛风止痒酊能明显降低右旋糖酐诱导的小鼠搔痒发作次数及搔痒持续时间,并能增加豚鼠耐受磷酸组胺的致痒阈。
- Results:In antipruritus assay,Kochia acoparia-alcohol extract could decrease scratching frequency and duration induced by dextran ,and increase itch-threshold of cavy caused by histamine phosphate. 结果:在止痒实验中,地肤子醇提物能明显降低右旋糖酐诱导的小鼠瘙痒发作次数及瘙痒持续时间,并可增加豚鼠耐受磷酸组织胺的致痒阈。
- As we all know that swing,frequency and duration are three factors of natural seismic wave,many seismologist have done much in-depth research about them and obtained plentiful theoretical results. 我们知道,在天然地震中,振幅、频率以及持续时间是地震波的三要素,许多地震学者对这些已经做了很细致深入的研究,取得了不少的理论成果,而对爆破地震波的研究还处于试验性阶段,相关方面的文献资料也非常有限。
- Earthquake damage and duration increased. 地震破坏和持续时间提高了。