- Freight terms are important to know, as they are lingo used when dealing with freight forwarders and much of the documentation process in export/import trade. 物流相关的术语很有必要多熟悉一下,因为它们是你在与国际货运代理做沟通时可能需要用到的行话,也涉及到许多进出口贸易单据/文件办理等。
- You can freight your belongings by air or sea. 你可把东西经空运或海运运去。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- This freight must be carefully handled. 这些货物必须小心搬运。
- The aircraft company deals with freight only. 这家航空公司只经营货运业务。
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。
- We can send it by air/sea freight. 我们可以空运[海运]。
- Are there any exams at the end of this term? 这个学期期末有考试吗?
- The second term commences in March. 第二学期自三月开始。
- Every word the professor said was freight ed with meaning. 教授的每一句话都是意味深长的。
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- We counted the cars of the passing freight train. 我们点了驶过的货车车厢节数。
- The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight. 海关查出了隐藏在货物中的海洛因。
- He tells us in no uncertain term not to come again. 他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。
- He selected an extensive reading course this term. 这个学期他选修了泛读课程。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。
- What 's your freight rate on cif term ? 在cif 条件下你们的运费率是多少?
- This term will begin on September 7th. 这个学期将于九月七号开始。
- Above term shall apply unless otherwise mention. 除非另有说明书,上述条件一概适用。
- Our group blocked out a teaching plan in this term. 我们小组草拟了一份本学期教学计划。