- free verse; unorthodox verse 自由诗
- Free verse is like free love; it is contradiction in term. 自由诗好比自由恋爱,那是语词矛盾的说法。
- Free verse is like free love; it is contradiction in terms. 自由诗好比自由恋爱,那是语词矛盾的说话。
- Write free verse like playing tennis with the net down. 作自由诗,好比放倒了球网打网球。
- Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. 作自由诗,好比放倒了球网打网球。
- Free verse is like free love;it is contradiction in term. 自由诗好比自由恋爱,那是语词矛盾的说法。
- Free verse is like free love;it is contradiction in terms. 自由诗好比自由恋爱,那是语词矛盾的说话。
- I have read some of your modern free verse and wonder who set it free. 我念了一些你的现代自由诗,我思疑到底是谁让它自由的。
- A particular type of metrical composition, such as blank verse or free verse. 诗体韵文的一种特殊形式,例如无韵角诗歌或者自由诗
- I've read some of your modern free verse and wonder who set if free. 我念了一些你的现代自由诗,我思疑到底是谁让它自由的。
- I've read some of your modern free verse and wonder who set it free. 我读了你的一些现代的自由诗,而奇怪是谁让它自由的。
- Wilbur: When free verse succeeds, it can be excitingly spare and unassisted. 自由诗写得好的时候,可以无所依凭而自成一格。
- If you don't have an ear for a meter, carry on writing free verse or prose. 如果你对韵律不敏感的话,那就继续写自由体诗或散文吧。
- He was among the first to use free verse--verse without a definite rhyme or metrical pattern. 他是最早写自由诗的诗人之一,写的是不含明确的韵和韵律的诗。
- They are capable of a power and of a clear nuance to which free verse can't aspire. 这些拥有一种力量,和一种精妙的差别,是自由诗所无能为力的。
- They are capable of a power and of a clear nuance to which free verse cannot aspire. 这些拥有一种力量,和一种精妙的差别,是自由诗所无能为力的。
- In the very act of spoofing free verse, he was enjoying some of its obvious advantages. 意为就在他嘲讽自由体诗的同时,也享受了自由体诗写作的一些明显的好处。
- Whitman broke free from the traditional iambic pentameter and wrote “free verse”. 他的“自己之歌”洋洋洒洒,是爱默生“超灵”理念的延展,也是他人论的总结。
- In a century that increasingly valued free verse, MacNeice stuck to stricter measures, rhyming and scanning with enduring skill. 在一个愈加看重自由诗体的时代,麦克尼斯坚持采用更加严谨的韵律与押韵,并且持之以恒地运用技巧分析为诗歌诗划分音步。
- Ding Lu holds that Chinese new poetry, which has experienced a lopsided development of free verse, is caught between two horns of dilemma. 丁鲁认为,片面发展自由诗的中国新诗,正处于迷茫的困境之中。