- Why use the concept of TB Free Community? 为什么使用无结核社区这个概念?
- Mobile office will make your career unimpeded, and will realize the dream of completely free communication. 移动办公室将使你的事业畅通无阻,实现完全自由通信的梦想。
- The Gemini partner can be the most interesting, stimulating, delightful companion in the world, provided there's good, open, free communication. 双子的伙伴能够最有趣、刺激、充满乐趣的世界伴侣,只要有好的、开放、自由的沟通。
- ACPLT/KS is an ongoing effort to develop an open and free communication system for the purposes of process control and process control engineering. KS是一个正在进行的开发一个开放和免费的信息系统,它的目的是过程控制和过程控制工程。
- You cannot control their free communications in a traditional way. 用传统方法无法控制他们自由通信。
- A new surgical technic of tubing was introduced to establish free communication via the occluded foramen of Luschka in atresia of out-let of the fourth ventricle. 介绍了一种安装导管的新手术,以便将第四脑室脑脊液引流至枕大池,用于治疗第四脑室出口的狭窄或闭销。
- In cases where the posterior fontanel is identified, the division between the natural ostium and the fontanel should be resected to allow free communication between the two. 如果确定有前卤存在,应该将前卤和上颌窦口之间的间隔切除,使两者相通。
- A language chip will make Chinese people fluent in any foreign language and facilitate free communication and exchanges of latest science and technology developments around the world. 语言芯片可以让国人讲一口流利的外文,与世界各国自由地交流科技最新成果。
- Very long did not post child, want what to write particularly today, fogyism is too strict, stationmaster net is better, the OK and free communication, result that shares oneself and experience. 很久没有发贴子了,今天特别想写点什么,落伍太严格,站长网比较好,可以自由交流、分享自己的心得与经验。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- Devotional music sessions and religious discourses are held every Sunday morning and Monday evening. The Sunday sessions are followed by a free community meal. 每逢星期日上午及星期一晚上,印度庙内都有聚会,节目包括宗教音乐和讲道,而星期日聚会后,该庙会为教徒提供一餐免费膳食。
- His poetic forms (metrical and stanzaic) are traditional, sometimes irregular or modified in the direction of informal and freer communication. 民间诗歌的形式(有韵律,四行一节的)是传统的,有时是不规则的,或者经过修改后变得更加随意,更加自由。
- This is a thread of free communicating for career intercourse of office workers and vocational guidance for students! 这是一个为上班一族提供工作交流以及为学生们提供就业指导的自由沟通区域!
- To establish a free community fully and lastingly, we need to do more than get people to use some free software. 要建立一个系统的、长久的自由软件社区,我们只吸引更多人使用自由软件还是远远不够的。
- OpenXMLDeveloper. Org is a free community to discuss and exchange ideas regarding the development of solutions for the Open XML Formats. OpenXMLDeveloper.;org是一个针对OpenXML格式的解决方案开发进行讨论和交换意见的免费社区。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。
- The forum style is maintained to initiate the atmosphere of free communicate, equal consultation and free speaking, as well as being academic and wide-ranging participation. 倡导自由交流、平等磋商、畅所欲言的论坛风气和保持学术性与参与的广泛性是论坛坚持不变的会议作风。
- In 2006-2007, the company staged four full-length productions as well as a varied repertory program and a free ‘community matinee’ among the performance selections. 2006年至2007年,圣何塞制作了四部大型的芭蕾舞作品并把她们搬上舞台。
- She picked up a new magazine with her free hand. 她用空着的一只手拿起一本新杂志。