- franchised public bus 专利公交车
- We declared for improving the public bus system. 我们赞成改进公共交通系统。
- We declared for improving the public bus system . 我们赞成改进公共交通系统。
- What types of service a non-franchised public bus may operate? 非专利公共巴士可营办什么类型的服务?
- Is it necessary to give a seat for elder people in public bus? 在公共汽车上给老人让座有必要吗?
- The boy was shot aboard a public bus by a stray bullet. 一名6岁男孩在公交车上被流弹射死,妈妈试图“摇醒”他。
- The city council has declared for improving the public bus system. 市议会声明赞成改进公共交通设施。
- The blind can travel by public bus, trolley, underground and ferry free of charge. 盲人免费乘坐市内公共汽车、电车、地铁、渡船。
- In addition, there are more than ten public bus lines in the vicinity of Shanghaimart. 此外,附近有925、911等十余条公交线路可直达上海世贸商城。
- The blind can travel by public bus,trolley,underground and ferry free of charge. 盲人免费乘坐市内公共汽车、电车、地铁、渡船。
- Yes.As far as I know, there are about 800 public bus routes which are managed by different bus companies. 可以。据我所知,北京大约有800条公交线路,分别由不同的公交公司经营。
- The public bus would stop whenever someone needed to use the "natural restroom". 中途转车,需要在路旁站着等候,不知车子何时会来。
- Do you intend to provide the International Passenger Service with new public bus(es)? 申请人是否打算以全新公共巴士提供国际乘客服务?
- Because visitors to any country are unfamiliar with public bus or subway systems, they are likely to travel by taxi when they first arrive. 因为初来乍到,游客不熟悉公共汽车和地铁的路线,他们可能要乘出租汽车。
- Local ferries and small commuter planes ply frequently between the islands, and getting around by public bus or rental car is no challenge. 当地通勤飞机和小型渡轮航行频繁的岛屿而规避了公共汽车或出租轿车没有挑战。
- Non-franchised public bus services shall be operated under passenger service licence issued by the Transport Department. 所有营运非专利公共巴士服务均须根据运输署核发的客运营业证而营运。
- Although the Shanghai public bus turns to a new generation unceasingly, the vehicle condition is quite bad in some outlying plots of the city. 作为上海城市公共交通的头企业,巴士集团引进新型的大宇客车,为改善郊区公交状况开了个好头。
- But after I moved my base to this city and started to come and go in front of Tiananmen twice a day on a public bus, Beijing lost its mystique. 但是当我把我的基地移动到这个城市,并且开始在一个公共的公共汽车上一天中在天安门前来去两回以后,北京失去了它的神秘。
- Travellers by train reach the Saas valley over Brig-Visp and changing to the public bus which goes directly to Saas-Fee/Saastal. 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- By 2007,90% public buses and 70% taxies shall be converted to cleaner energy. 2007年年底前实现90%25的公交车、70%25的出租车为清洁能源车。