- fovea oblonga cartilaginis arytenoideae 杓状软骨椭圆凹
- Fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage 杓状软骨长椭园形凹
- Pay attention to the fight of fovea and fear. 集中注意力去对抗心里的恐惧。时时注意要懂得害怕。
- This is an example of an acoustic fovea. 这是听觉中央窝的例子。
- The fovea produces the most accurate information. 黄斑的信息最精确。
- Cydonia oblonga Mill also have highly economic value. 同时,榅桲又具有很高的经济价值,是优良的果树。
- A study on the karyotype in Keteleeria calcarea and K. oblonga. 黄枝油杉和矩鳞油杉的核型研究.
- In most fovea, the depth decreased and the thickness increased. 绝大多数黄斑中心凹变浅 ,厚度增加。
- The size and depth of the central fovea were also measured. 本文还测定了髁间窝中央凹的大小和深度,为解剖学和临床工作提供参考。
- Therefore, Cydonia oblonga Mill has highly value to popularize in North China. 因此,在我国北方,榅桲具有很高的推广价值。
- Humans have a fovea for sight, and star-nosed moles have a fovea for touch. 人类有视觉的中央窝,星鼻鼹则有触觉的中央窝。
- Vision is much more acute at the fovea than at other portions of the retina. 在视网膜的中央小窝的视力比网膜其他部份更敏锐。
- The fovea has only cones, and the blind spot or papilla has no receptors. 中央凹的部分只有锥细胞,而盲点或神经乳头部分无视细胞。
- The upper and lower retinas of the fovea were basically symmetrical. 将所取视网膜厚度的裂隙像贮存于计算机内。
- Conclusion The central fovea of the RVO fellow eyes was functionally impaired. 结论 与正常眼相比,RVO患者对侧眼黄斑中心凹视功能受损。
- The posture, foliage, flower and fruit of Cydonia oblonga Mill have highly ornamental value, so it is a good stirp of decorative trees. 其树姿、叶片、花和果实均具有较高的观赏价值,是较好的观赏树种;
- Like the retinal fovea, this part of the star has the highest density of sensory nerve endings. 就像视网膜中央窝,星鼻的这个部分拥有密度最高的感觉神经末梢。
- Other edible fruits include loquats (Eriobotrya japoniaca), pears (Pyrus communis), quinces (Cydonia oblonga), and strawberries (Fragaria). 其它可食的水果,还有枇杷(Eriobotryajaponiaca),梨(Pyruscommunis),榅桲(Cydoniaoblonga),草莓(草莓属)等。
- The latencies of P1 wave and N2 wave were shortest at the central fovea i n all fields. 黄斑中心凹P1波、N2波的潜伏期均较其他各区缩短。
- Moreover, the rapid movements of the star that reposition this tactile fovea onto objects of interest are analogous to saccades in the visual system. 此外,星鼻快速运动、改变触觉中央窝的位置来对准目标物体,正类似视觉系统的跳视。