- four-phase upper horizon light 四联天幕灯
- They counted four phase s in a cycle: new moon, half moon, full moon and half moon. 他们把四个阶段算做一个周期:新月、半月、满月和半月。
- The organic acids produced in the upper horizons are soluble and mobile. 在土壤上层所产生的有机酸是水溶性的、流动性的。
- The QPM gratings with two phase shifting domains and four phase shifting domains were numerically calculated, and the mechanism of the bandwidth enhancement was explained. 数值计算了引入两个相移域和四个相移域的QPM光栅,并解释了引入相移后带宽加宽的机理。
- Two trapezoids are the same in shape and hold a common winding as the bottom side, while the midpoint of the common winding is the ground of four phase systems. 2个梯形形状相同,并具有共同的底边,其中点为四相系统的公共点。
- SRM can be designd in multi-phase in theory.The more phase number, the more electron switch componeat needed, the more complex circuit, the more the cost, so three or four phase is common. 摘要开关磁阻电动机原理上可以制成多相结构,相数越多,则需要的电子开关元件越多,线路越复杂,成本更高,因此一般多制成三相或四相结构。
- They are usually presented in boxes of four which indicate the four phases of the moon. 月饼通常是每盒里装四块,代表月亮的四个变化阶段。
- It's important to note that not every Migraineur (a person with Migraine disease) experiences all four phases. 但并非每个偏头痛患者都经历四个阶段。
- Chinese catering industry is flourishing with four phases of great-leap-forward development. 摘要中国的餐饮业经过四个阶段的跨越式发展,已呈现出一派繁荣的景象。
- The means of "Four Phases" by VB was introduced to urban bus transit demand forecast in Guangzhou Development Zone. 摘要采用基于VB编程的“四阶段法”对广州开发区公共交通需求进行了预测。
- Individual eventing consisted of four phases: dressage, cross-country, and two phases of show-jumping. 骑手与同一匹马的组合参加规定的三项马术比赛。
- There are four phases of Ethernet development, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Kilomega Ethernet, 10G Ethernet. 以太网的发展经历了以太网、快速以太网、千兆以太网和10G以太网四个阶段。
- Carbonation process of interval bubbling carbonation method to produce super-fine calcium carbonate is a four phases slurry reaction process. 间歇鼓泡碳化法生产超细碳酸钙的碳化过程是一个四相浆态反应过程。
- four phase single stage torque converter 四相单级液力变矩器
- West corporate social responsibility campaign can be divided into four phases, namely ferments, origin, priming, accelerating phases. 范围日益广泛、侧重具体操作、两极分化严重、总体表现活跃是西方企业社会责任运动的趋势。
- Its programme of activities in four phases (mobilization, application, preliminaries, final) time, content, methods are more specific and clear. 其活动方案中的四个阶段(动员、报名、预赛、决赛)的时间、内容、方法都比较具体、明确。
- The process of benchmarking includes four phases, such as programming, data colleting and analyzing, practicing and advancing phases. 企业应用标杆管理通常包括四个阶段:规划阶段、据搜集及分析阶段、践阶段和提升阶段。
- Abstract: The means of "Four Phases" by VB was introduced to urban bus transit demand forecast in Guangzhou Development Zone. 摘要:采用基于VB编程的“四阶段法”对广州开发区公共交通需求进行了预测。
- During the four phases of contrast-enhanced sonography, intrapancreatic accessory spleens showed enhancement patterns identical to those of the spleen. 在超声造影四个时相中,胰腺内副脾增强模式与脾脏一致,特别是在肝脾实质相的延长增强,所有病例均是如此。
- upper horizon soil 上层土