- DBH frequency distribution for all four forest types showed a typical reversed J shape, suggesting the forests in Mt. 而树高分布主要以双峰分布和近似对称分布为主;
- Soil hydrological properties of four forest types around Jinbo Lake 镜泊湖区主要森林类型的土壤水文特性
- four forest types 4种森林类型
- Compared with badlands under long term disturbance, four forest restoration types had significant effects in decreasing soil phosphorus and potassium loss. 与长期人类干扰下的荒坡地相比,各森林恢复类型均有减少和防止土壤磷、钾素流失的作用,以油茶林和天然次生林的效果优于湿地松林和杉木林。
- Nesting in coniferous forest, often greenwood, miscellaneous wood forest types of forest tree thorns or short. 营巢在针叶林、常绿林、杂木林等各种类型森林的荆棘或矮树上。
- Whereas,the inputs of nutrient from rainfall was quite different among different climatic conditions and forest types. 但在不同的气候条件下和不同的森林类型里,降雨输入土壤的养分差异悬殊。
- Castanopsis eyrei forest was one of the main forest types in Gutianshan Nature Reserve. 甜槠林是古田山自然保护区常绿阔叶林主要类型之一。
- Mixed forest Type of temperate forest, consisting of trees of different species. 温带林的一种类型,包括各种不同种类的树木。
- Analysis showed that differences in temperature among the four forests were caused by the changes in micro-topography, vegetation type, and altitudinal level. 分离综合法分析说明,局部小地形和植被类型的差异是造成林内气温在不同林型间差异的原因,而海拔高度的差异造成马尾松林与山地常绿阔叶林温度极显著差异,也加剧了与针阔叶混交林温度的显著差异。
- Forty one burrows were recorded in 23 line transects which were established randomly in the Reserve, passing 4 different forest types of this Reserve. 最不喜爱将洞口设置在裸露、隐蔽程度差的生境,强力避免洞口向北。
- The collocation of forest types is one main research item of constructing waterhead-oriented conservation forest in Miyun reservoir. 水源保护林林种的合理配置是密云水库水源保护林建设中的重要研究内容之一。
- Mean tree height and DBH in the forest types increased with increasing altitude, when those in the Larix gmelini woodland were excluded. (3)乔木层的直径和树高分布清晰地反映了群落的水平和垂直结构。
- A total of 67 taxa comprising 56 Deuteromycetes, 3 Zygomycetes, 5 Asco-mycetes and 3 unidentified fungi were recognized from samples from the forest floor of the two forest types. 通过分离鉴定;共得到真菌67种;其中接合菌3种、子囊菌5种、半知菌类56种和未确定种3种;半知菌类最为丰富。 两种林型分解真菌优势种群为链格孢(Alternaria sp.;)
- The study conducted a questionnaire survey and collected the data of perceptions of foresters and conservationists in Taiwan on four forest management practices, i.e. 摘要本研究以邮寄问卷调查森林与保育专家对于天然林、国家公园、森林游乐区及人工林等四种森林经营方式的认知。
- The family composition and abundance of the beetles were significantly different between MPFF and SFF, but partial similarity was observed between MPF and other two forest types. 大巴山北坡农耕区天然次生林地表甲虫的类群组成和数量分布与林区人工林差异明显,农耕区人工林与林区人工林和农耕区天然次生林各有部分相似性。
- Influence of layer characteristics in different forest types on annual surface runoff had mutual beneficent and repellency based on community component, structure and development. 森林不同层片特征对地表径流量的影响具有互补性和抑制性,受森林群落组成、结构和发育的共同影响。
- In this paper, biomass of the major forest types and hydrologic features were studied in small watershed, aiming at soil and water conservation of Yangtze River. 本文主要是针对长江流域蓄水保土的需求,以小流域为单元,对大别山区主要森林类型的生物量与水文生态特征进行了研究。
- It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。
- He wove four plots together into a novel. 他把四条情节编成一部小说。
- Thus,they are not recommendable in application.SI1 values are big for forest types,and they are small for shrubland types.SI1 becomes smaller and smaller as the patch becomes bigger and bigger. 相对来说,各森林类型的SI1都比较大,而各灌丛类型的SI1都比较小,说明前者斑块的单位面积中的边界数量多,后者斑块的单位面积中的边界数量少;