- Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。
- The map of the silk-route in Han Dynasty. 汉代丝绸之路地图。
- Who is the founder of the scientific socialism? 谁是科学社会主义的奠基人?
- Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion. 耶稣是基督教的创始人。
- He is a founder of the republic. 他是共和国的缔造者。
- The founder of the company retired at the age of85. 这位公司创始人于85岁退休。
- Oh, you're all of the Han ethnicity! 王渊源:你们都是汉族啊!
- The founder of the Modern Olympic is Coubertin. 现代奥林匹克创始人是。
- Hitler is the founder of the German Nazi Party. 希特勒是德国纳粹党的创始人。
- The ancient town of Kunyang,in the north of the present Yehhsien County,Honan Province,was the place where Liu Hsiu,founder of the Eastern Han Dynasty,defeated the troops of Wang Mang,Emperor of the Hsin Dynasty,in A.D. 23. 昆阳故城在今河南省叶县境内。公元二三年,刘秀(后称东汉光武帝)在这里击破王莽(公元八年称帝,定国号为新)的军队。
- Ivna Bucan is the founder of the garden. 巴肯是花园的创办人。
- The ancient town of Kunyang, in the north of the present Yehhsien County, Honan Province, was the place where Liu Hsiu, founder of the Eastern Han Dynasty, defeated the troops of Wang Mang, Emperor of the Hsin Dynasty, in A.D. 23. 昆阳故城在今河南省叶县境内。公元二三年,刘秀(后称东汉光武帝)在这里击破王莽(公元八年称帝,定国号为新)的军队。
- He is the founder of the Zulu Kingdom Qiaka. 他就是祖鲁王国的缔造者恰卡。
- Mohammed was the founder of the Muslian religon. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。
- Zola was the founder of the naturalist school. 佐拉是自然主义流派的创始人。
- Who is the founder of the modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运的发起者是谁?
- Plato becomes the founder of the Academia. 柏拉图创立学园。
- Triumph or defeat is in the hans of the Gods. 胜利或失败都由神来决定。
- The descendants of a common ancestor considered to be the founder of the line. 同一世系的后代拥有共同祖先的世系的始祖的后代
- The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate. 该大学年事已高的创始人决定引退。