- Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano. 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。
- He found a piece of fossil of an ancient bird. 他发现一块古代鸟类的化石。
- A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater. 边容器、铃和坑的边缘
- This fossil may be over 2 million years old. 这化石可能超过二百万年了。
- Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano. 熔岩从火山口沸腾着升起来。
- Can you date the fossil exactly? 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗?
- fossil crater 化石坑,化石环形山
- Isn't Professor Bell an old fossil? 贝尔教授真是个老顽固。
- A microscopic fossil, as of a pollen grain or unicellular organism. 微体化石一种微小的化石,如花粉粒或单细胞有机体的化石
- If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization. 如果我们浪费矿物燃料,我们就威胁文明。
- A large crater formed by volcanic explosion or by collapse of a volcanic cone. 火山口火山爆发而形成的环形山或大山核心部分的崩塌而形成的环形山
- I could look at a crater so closely. 可以这么近距离地看到火山口啊。
- Smoke puffed up from the crater of the volcano . 烟从火山口一阵阵地喷出。
- The gossip tossed the mossy blossom fossil. 爱讲闲话者向上抛长满苔藓的花化石。
- Barringer crater is 1.2km in diameter. 巴林杰陨石坑的直径有1.;2千米。
- A finite list of choices; our finite fossil fuel reserves. 为数有限的选择; 我们有限的矿物燃料贮量
- Smoke puffed up from the crater of the volcano. 烟从火山口一阵阵地喷出。
- The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded. 基质,脉石嵌有化石或水晶的固体物质
- Gigantic blocks of rock litter the crater floor. 陨石坑底部到处是巨大石块。
- The blast blew a gaping crater in the road. 爆炸把道路撕开了一个大坑。