- Abstract The forming reasons of the skin blowhole in welding gas cylinder steel HP295 are analyzed. 摘要 分析了HP295焊接气瓶用钢铸坯皮下气泡缺陷的成因;
- Lastly, the thesis expounds the forming reasons of Bunin’s art style in terms of Bunin’s life, experience and thinking origin. 最后,本文从蒲宁的生平、经历及思想渊源诸角度分析、阐述了蒲宁艺术风格的形成原因。
- Lastly, the thesis expounds the forming reasons of Bunin"s art style in terms of Bunin"s life, experience and thinking origin. 最后,本文从蒲宁的生平、经历及思想渊源诸角度分析、阐述了蒲宁艺术风格的形成原因。
- The characteristics and forming reason of faint-sliver defect found in cold-rolled steel sheet were discussed . 对冷轧板中发现的条痕缺陷特征进行了分析,探讨了该缺陷的形成原因。
- The danger and forming reason of burr, the selection of deburring process and developing tendency are elaborated in the paper. 本文简要阐述了机械零件加工过程中毛刺危害与形成原因 ,毛刺的预防措施 ,去毛刺工艺及发展趋势。
- This paper reviews the forming reasons of extremely low permeability of tight sandstone gas reservoir,including congenital aggradation and acquired diagenesis. 论述了致密砂岩气藏特低渗形成的原因:即先天的沉积因素和后天的成岩作用等。
- The writer try to analyzing Judicial Unjustness and its forming reason, put forward the resolve to the Judicial Unjustness. 笔者通过对我国司法不公正现象及其成因的分析,提出解决司法不公的对策。
- Factors affecting the nodulisation of clinkers were investigated starting with the forming reasons of the “blazing stream of clinkers”in grate cooler. 从篦冷机“红河”形成的原因入手,分析了影响熟料结粒的因素,并列举了某厂篦冷机“红河”生产情况,最后提出解决问题的措施。
- Cratering is one of disadvantages of lacquer film in painting dressing. In this paper various kinds of craterings, their forming reason and prevention measures are introduced. 缩孔是装饰性涂装场合常见的漆膜弊病之一,较详细地介绍缩孔系列漆膜弊病、病因、病例及防治方法。
- This article analyzes the forming reason of Overhead Contact System (OCS) hard point of electrified railway and describes the importance and necessity to amend hard point. 摘要简述铁道电气化接触网硬点,形成的原因和克服及改进的重要性,必要性。
- This paper discusses some problems about how to overcome afeard feeling of students who learn swimming for the first time form reasons and expressiveness. 从大学生初学游泳恐惧心理的形成原因及具体表现入手,探讨如何帮助学员克服恐惧心理。
- First it analyzes the historic background of plundering Chinese laborers, demonstrates the forming reason and process of two Japanese documents about plundering Chinese laborers. 文章首先分析了日本掳役中国劳工的历史背景,指明了日本在太平洋战争后出台两个关于强掳中国劳工文件的原因和过程;
- The second part of dissertation discusses the forming reason of the Jiang Kui's “artificial” refined Ci, not only the writer's own reason, but also the social cultural reason. 论文的第二部分论述姜夔“人工”雅词形成的原因,即词人自身的原因,和社会文化原因。
- Set out from the differentia that studies economic calamity and economic crisis, elaborated the expression of economic calamity, form reason and clutch make countermeasure. 从研究经济灾害与经济危机的不同点出发 ,阐述了经济灾害的表现 ,形成原因以及扼制对策。
- The analyses show that the forming reason mainly connected with the typhoon activity around the PRD, resulting in persisting sinking airflow, the mixing layer been pressed and getting thin. 通过分析,发现其形成原因主要与台风在周边地区活动,形成该地区持续性下沉气流,使得混合层被明显挤压变薄有关。
- The first part studied the formative reasons of the tragical significance in Conrad’s novels. 第一部分考察了康拉德小说创作的悲剧意蕴的形成原因。
- The forming reasons of the creak on railway frog crossing of high manganese steel during heat treatment process were analyzed,and heat treatment process was improved.The creak has been eliminated. 分析了高锰钢辙叉在热处理过程中裂纹的形成原因,改进了热处理工艺,并在生产中得到验证,消除了裂纹废品。
- The forming reasons of blowhole and cinder inclusion in cast steel wheel were analyzed, and the correspounding precaution measures were proposed which have been verified in producing practice. 分析了铸钢车轮件气孔、夹渣缺陷的形成原因,提出了相应的解决措施,并在生产中得到验证,使废品率显著下降。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- The flaw forming reasons of steam pipe corrugate-expansion joint in the second mixer of sintering plant,and the repairing methods of gas-welding and electric-arc welding were discribed. 本文介绍了烧结厂二次混合机蒸汽管道波纹补偿器缺陷的形成原因及采用气焊或手工电弧焊的修复方法。