- forming a whole or aggregate. 形成整体或者集合体。
- And they can also be observed as a whole or a system, in which Blake employs a major or a central group of related symbols to form a dominant symbolic pattern. 在这一象征系统中 ,布莱克运用一组中心象征构成一个具有支配作用的象征模式。
- A failure without legal excuse to perform any promise which forms a whole or a part of a contract. 在没有合法理由的情况下,未能履行全部或部分合约所规定的义务。
- To combine so as to form a whole; mix. 混合,组合组合以成为整体;混合
- To bring together so as to form a whole. 结合拿到一起以形成整体
- The smaller in number of two groups forming a whole. 少数派在组成一个整体的两群体中数量上较少的一派。
- The rapid alternation of two tones either a whole or a half tone apart. 颤音两个相距一个音或半个音的音的迅速交替
- The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole. 组成将不同的部分和元素结合成为一个整体。
- A set or aggregate is a collection of definite, distinct objects of our intuition or of our intellect, to be conceived as a whole (unity). 集或集合是我们的直观或我们的思维中被看作一个整体的确定的相异的对象的总体。
- Manage settings for your solution as a whole or for individual projects. 管理整个解决方案的设置或管理各个项目的设置。
- (zoology) composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony. (动物学)多个不同个体联合起来形成一个整体或群体。
- Hypha (pl. hyphae) In fungi, a fine nonphotosynthetic tubular filament that spreads to form a loose network termed a mycelium or aggregates into fruiting bodies (e.g. toadstools). 菌丝:是真菌中不能进行光合作用的一类管状细丝,它们可以聚集成松散的网络结构,即菌丝体,也可集合成为子实体(毒蕈)。
- To some extent, the parts of a society form a whole which is discrete. 从某种意义上讲,社会各部分构成的整体是不相连贯的。
- In a system using network coding, the file would no longer be stored as a whole or in recognizable pieces. 然而,在采用网路编码的系统里,档案再也不是以完整的形式、或可辨识的片段存在。
- A small mass of tissue or aggregation of cells. 结组织的小结块或细胞的聚集
- Romance languages) relating to or denoting a part of a whole or a quantity that is less than the whole. (罗曼语)表示属于整体但比整体少的一部分的,或与之有关的。
- The two parties have united to form a coalition. 这两个党已结成联盟。
- A whole or extended quote includes current quote, amount up/down, close (if after 4:00 p.m. EST), volume, bid, and ask. 完全报价包含:最后成交价;涨跌;收盘价(若东岸4点之后);成交量;买方出价与卖方要价.
- The two parties have combined to form a government. 两党已经联合起来组成政府。
- Everything published here are copyrighted, any reproduction in whole or in part will land you a whole lot of trouble. 这里所有作品皆属本台版权所有;未得本台同意请勿擅自转载.