- The form element is rendered with a name attribute. 呈现的form元素具有name属性。
- The Form Web Part uses the HTML FORM element. 表单Web部件使用HTML FORM元素。
- Tip: Use this tag in the form element to accept user input. 提示:可以在form元素中使用这个标签,用来接受用户的输入信息。
- When you update the data in a form element, the instance document is updated. 当更新表单元素中的数据时,会更新实例文档。
- The name attribute on the form element is not allowed in XHTML 1.1 Guidelines. form元素中的name属性在XHTML 1.;1标准中是不允许的。
- A form is an area that can contain form elements. 一个表单是一块可以含有表单元素的区域。
- Diamond is made form elements carbon. 金刚石是由碳元素构成的.
- For more information, see Defining the Work Item Form and FORM Element (Work Item Type Definition Schema). 有关更多信息,请参见定义工作项表单和FORM元素(工作项类型定义架构)。
- The form element is required only if the page contains controls whose values you want to use during page processing. 只有页面所含控件的值在页面处理期间要使用时,才需要form元素。
- You can specifically apply the property constraint to the Windows Form element definition in your policy actions file. 可以在策略操作文件中专门对Windows窗体元素定义应用属性约束。
- If you need to use the HTML FORM element, consider using the Page Viewer Web Part or the Form Web Part. 如果需要使用HTML FORM元素,请考虑使用网页查看器Web部件或表单Web部件。
- The FormParameter does not validate the value passed by the form element in any way; it uses the raw value. FormParameter不以任何方式验证窗体元素传递的值;它使用原始值。
- Set the DefaultFocus attribute of the form element in the page or of a Panel control. 设置页中的form元素的DefaultFocus属性或Panel控件的该属性。
- From the Data tab of the Toolbox, drag a LinqDataSource control and drop it inside the form element on the Web page. 从“工具箱”的“数据”选项卡中,将LinqDataSource控件拖动到网页的form元素内。
- Attribute to indicate which form element should receive input focus when the document is loaded. 属性指定加载文档时哪一个表单元素拥有输入焦点。
- The triangle element was used in the forming element stifness matrixes. 给出了三角形单元的几何刚度矩阵公式。
- A red blood cell; one of the formed elements in the peripheral blood. 又称红血球,为末梢血有形成分之一。
- You cannot add a form tag as a nested form; the specified location is within another form element. 不能将窗体标记作为嵌套窗体进行添加;指定位置位于另一窗体元素中。
- You can interact with fields easily by a single form element, serialize form and fields. 几乎每个项目我都需要创建网页风格和验证表单元素。
- It tried to construct measurable method of unscramble the street sighting from the form element of surface layer by eliciting and accounting. 从“表层”的形态要素的抽出和统计,构筑定量地解读街路景观的方法。