- formalin ether concentration method 甲醛乙醚浓集法
- A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds. 一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。
- He emptied out the water barrel to clear it of sediment. 他把水桶倒空以清掉桶底的沉淀物。
- You should not drink the wine with a gritty sediment. 不要喝有沙粒状沉淀物的葡萄酒。
- Today's news goes into the ether and is soon forgotten. 今天的新闻广播听後不久即置於脑後了。
- It was once believed that light waves traveled through the ether. 人们曾经相信光波在以太中穿过。
- The letter was formalin its wording. 此信措辞正式。
- Ether was used formerly to put a patient to sleep before an operation. 从前人们在手术前用乙醚来使病人昏睡。
- The hospital smelled of formaldehyde and ether. 医院里充满甲醛和乙醚的味道。
- Something that settles to the bottom of a fluid; sediment. 沉渣沉到液体底部的东西; 沉积物
- He went off at the first whiff of ether. 他一吸入醚就失去知觉。
- What does the terrigenous sediment consist of? 陆源沉积物是由什么组成的?
- He lost consciousness at the first whiff of ether. 他一嗅到乙醚便失去了知觉。
- Sediment has been washed down from the upper lake. 湖泊上游带下许多沉积物。
- All sediment deposition is not injurious. 所有的泥沙淤积并不都是有害的。
- A whiff of ether win put you out ha a few seconds. 吸一口乙醚会使你在几秒钟内昏迷过去。
- Natural sediment particles are not spherical. 天然泥沙颗粒不是球状的。
- A cotton wad that was impregnated with ether. 浸透了醚的棉花团
- Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material. 远洋沉积物包含了微细物质颗粒。
- Alcohol sophisticated with ether. 掺有乙醚的酒精