- Not educated or instructed; having little or no formal schooling. 未受过教育的未受过教育或教导的; 只受过很少或未受过正规教育的
- The country admits its record of formal schooling. 国家承认其学历的。
- Not educatedor instructed; having little or no formal schooling. 未受过教育的未受过教育或教导的;只受过很少或未受过正规教育的。
- Although he had no formal schooling, Harry knew gems. 尽管海瑞没有受过正式教育,却深谙宝石。
- A history of a person's formal schooling and/or training. 正规学校教育/或培训,深圳到南宁机票。
- Not educated or instructed; having little or no formal schooling . 他几没受过正式的学校教育。
- The Degree Commission of the State Council strictly defines education with record of formal schooling. 国务院学术委员会严格确定了学历教育的意义。
- In our view, formal schooling in youth is the essential foundation for learning throughout one's life. 我们的观点是年轻时代正规的学校教育是终身学习的很好的基础。
- Magar has no formal schooling and likes to play withfriends,offer prayers and watch television, his family said. 据马加的家人介绍,他目前没有接受正规的学校教育,他喜欢和伙伴玩耍、做祈祷和看电视。(实习编辑:顾萍
- It doesn't matter how much formal schooling you've had; what matters is whether you have real ability and learning. 什么学历不学历,要有真才实学才行。
- Adult Education College of HIE is in charge of education with record of formal schooling of our college's off-work adults' education and regular correspondence education. 湖北第二师范学院成人教育学院:全面负责我院全部成人高考脱产学历教育及校外常规函授站点学历教育工作.
- They would probably rather pursue the formal school certificate and take their chances in the urban job lottery. 他们或许宁愿去追求正规学校教育的文凭,然后到城里去碰碰就业的运气。
- Say commonly, the record of formal schooling of above of university undergraduate course just can be maintained to be " special talent " and allow is emigrant. 一般说来,大学本科以上的学历才会被认定为“非凡人才”而准予移民。
- After World War II, the legend was refuted by the academic community and disappeared form formal school education. 战后,因学界的影响,此传说被否定,并从学校教育中消失。
- Please mail your english and chinese CV with your foto and indicate the expected salary, copy of record of formal schooling certificate etc.to E-mail to us. 有意者请于一个月内将个人简历(请注明期望薪金)、身份证、学历证书复印件等邮寄或发电子邮件到公司。
- In September 2004, the country for the first time included sex and reproduction knowledge in the formal school curriculum. 2004年9月,我国首次将性常识和生殖知识纳入学校课程范围。
- In my opinion, however, young children should spend most of their time playing because it will offer them more advantages than will formal schooling at that age. 然而,依我之见,孩子大部分的时间应该用来玩乐。因为就那样的年纪而言,玩乐所带来的好处比正规的学校教育所带来的好处更多。
- The acquisition of second language in a formal school setting, however, is not the only context where second languages have their place in the world today. 在当今世界中,在正规学校环境中,获得第二语言已不是第二语言占有一席之地的唯一场合。
- If you have corresponding money to meet diploma of kind of record of formal schooling, have the working experience of particular fixed number of year, also need not pass an exam, to place accounting government office applies for to handle accountant card. 假如你有相应的财会类学历文凭,有一定年限的工作经历,也可以不经过考试,到当地会计治理机关申请办理会计证。
- We were invited to a formal luncheon. 我们被邀参加一次正式的午宴。