- The historian is no freer from this obligation than the physicist ...This sounds like the advocacy of one form of social control as against another. 历史学家与物理学家一样肩负着责任...这听起来像是以一种社会控制代替另一种社会控制的鼓吹。
- And mind in this sense is the method of social control. 在这个意义上,心智就是社会的控制方法。
- More and more countries in Europe are beginning to incline towards some form of socialism. 在欧洲,越来越多的国家倾向于某种形式的社会主义。
- form of social control 社会控制方式
- A dystopia is usually characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government, or some other kind of oppressive social control. 反乌托邦通常具有以下特点,独裁主义者或极权主译者的政府形式,或者一些其他压迫性的社会控制。
- More and more countries in Europe are now trending towards some form of Socialism. 欧洲越来越多的国家现在倾向于某种形式的社会主义。
- A gathering to engender and promote love, as for the satisfaction of the participants or as a form of social activism. 友爱聚会一种产生或促进友爱的聚会,如为了满足参与者或作为社会行为主义的一种形式
- This common understanding of the means and ends of action is the essence of social control. 这种对行动的手段和目的的共同的理解,乃是社会控制的本质所在。
- Ervin Laszl's analysis of social system and social control throws a new light on ideological studies. E·拉兹洛对社会系统与控制的论述为意识形态研究提供了新角度和视野。
- Media power is the basis of information dissemination and a recessive power of social control. 摘要媒介权力是新闻信息传播的基础和隐性的社会控制力量。
- A form of social system in which power goes to those with superior intellects. 由智力出众的人掌权的社会组织形态。
- The function of justice social control is effect of social control of justice in social life, work order, national administer order. 本文认为司法社会控制功能是指司法作为社会控制体系对人们的社会生活、生产工作秩序、国家管理秩序进行控制中所发挥的作用和效能。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The prevailing habits of using the products of human art and the raw materials of nature constitute by all odds the deepest and most pervasive mode of social control. 利用人类艺术产品和天然原料的流行的习惯,极大地构成最深刻和最普遍的社会控制模式。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- Meanwhile, a society ruled by law should advocate legal authority and make law the primary force of social control,which is the due meaning of the rule of law. 同时,法治社会必须崇尚法律权威,以法律为社会控制的首要力量,这才是法治的应有之意。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- This form of Socialism ended in a miserable fit of the blues. 这一思潮在它以后的发展中变成了一种怯懦的悲叹。
- Social structural tensions and flawed State systems are the principal cause of this massive occurrence of transgress, which in return constraints the operation of social control. 这是因为社会的结构性紧张以及一些存在缺陷的国家制度导致了拐卖妇女这一大规模越轨行为的发生,并制约着社会控制的运作。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。