- The “project expediter”form of organizational structure is MOST often seen in what type of organization? 组织结构的“负责项目按时完成成果”形式最常在何种组织中看到?
- Basic form of organization structure of engineering project management 工程项目管理组织结构的基本形式概述
- form of organization structure 组织结构形式
- Their form of organization must be based on democratic centralism. 其组织形式,应该是民主集中制。
- Drug pushing usually goes hand in hand with other forms of organized crime. 贩毒常常同其它有组织的犯罪形式密切相关。
- A vertical chain structure of organization and a method of management control had been established mainly in the form of production. 建立了以举证为主要形式的纵向链式组织结构和管理控制方法。
- Commune is the form of organization of life and work in a collective. 公社是在一个集体里组织生活和劳动的形式。
- It is compounded by the necessities of organization structure and such other factors as personality considerations. 它可由组织结构和其他因素(如人格的考虑)的需要加以配合。
- Their form of organization should be based on democratic centralism. 其组织形式,应是民主集中制。
- The design of organization structure and management work in all the stages of life cycle in AVEs is discussed. 对虚拟企业的组织结构的设计及虚拟企业的生命周期各个阶段的管理工作进行了讨论。
- Commune is the form of organization of life and work in a collective . 公社是在一个集体里组织生活和劳动的形式。
- Organization structure decides the decision mechanism, by the turn, decision mechanism affect the run of organization structure. 组织结构决定决策机制,而决策机制反过来又影响组织结构。
- With perfect organizational structure and good future perspective, it is a creatively new form of employment. 它有完善的组织机构,良好的发展前景,是具有创意的就业新形式。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- This reveals that the problems originate in basic ways of thinking and interacting, more than in peculiarities of organization structure and policy. 这显示了问题是来自于人员的基本思考及互动方式上,这方面的因素大过于组织结构和策略方面的影响。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- Type of weaving: the shape of organization structure including ordinary weaving, reinforce weaving, parts ordinary weaving, ect. 编织方法:其组织结构有普通编织、加固编织、分段式普通编织等。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- The BSC usually is applied in these kinds of organization,which have clear strategic aim,especially explicit financial or Budget goal,and have rational organization structure. 平衡记分卡适用于那些有明确战略目标,尤其是明确的财务目标或预算目标且具有科学、合理组织结构的组织单位。 在战略目标的指标转换中,应注意指标体系的因地制宜、管理作用,指标体系层次性、可操作性和反馈价值。