- Forged wills shall be void. 伪造的遗嘱无效。
- Wills shall manifest the genuine intention of the testators; those made under duress or as a result of fraud shall be void. 遗嘱必须表示遗嘱人的真实意思,受胁迫、欺骗所立的遗嘱无效。
- Wills made by persons with no capacity or with limited capacity shall be void. 无行为能力人或者限制行为能力人所立的遗嘱无效。
- Article 22 Wills made by persons with no capacity or with limited capacity shall be void. 第二十二条 无行为能力人或者限制行为能力人所立的遗嘱无效。
- Where a will has been tampered with,the affected parts of it shall be void. 遗嘱被篡改的,篡改的内容无效。
- Where a will has been tampered with, the affected parts of it shall be void. 遗嘱被篡改的,篡改的内容无效。
- Any assignment made in violation of the foregoing provisions shall be void. 违反上述规定的,其转让无效。
- Within the period of the public notice, assignment of rights on the bill shall be void. 公示催告期间,转让票据权利的行为无效。
- If an act set forth in the preceding paragraph affects the bidding result, the result shall be void and invalid. 前款所列行为影响中标结果的,中标无效。
- Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void. 采取欺诈或者胁迫手段订立的合同无效。
- Contracts that violate the law or the public interest of the People's Republic of China shall be void. 违反中华人民共和国法律或者社会公共利益的合同无效。
- Article10. Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void. 第十条采取欺诈或者胁迫手段订立的合同无效。
- Article 10. Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void. 第十条采取欺诈或者胁迫手段订立的合同无效。
- Both the death certificate and the will shall be taken into safe keeping by the Master and handed over to the family members of the deceased or the organizations concerned. 死亡证明书和遗嘱由船长负责保管,并送交家属或者有关方面。
- If any term of this bill of lading be repugnant to said Act to any extent, such term shall be void to that extent, but no further. 本提单的条款如与上述法规相抵触,在抵触范围内的应视为无效。
- The free of charge replacement of defective parts during the warranty period provided by the Seller shall be void if the Buyer is unable to supply the aforesaid documents. 如果买方无法提供上述单据,卖方在质量保证期间对有缺陷的部件提供的免费更换应失效。
- If the Member does not receive either notice within six months after entering into the Dispute Adjudication Agreement, it shall be void and ineffective. 如果在争端裁决协议书签订后六个月内,成员没有收到任一份通知,则该争端裁决协议书将失效。
- Her face was void of all interest. 她面部表情显得对什麽都不感兴趣。
- If any claim made shall be fraudulent or exaggerated or if any false declaration or statement shall be made in support thereof, then this Policy shall be void. 因此,被保险人须确实填报,如有虚报或提供伪证等情况,本保险单即行失效。
- In Witness Whereof, the master or agent of the said vessel has signed THREE bills of lading, all of this tenor and date, and if one is accomplished, the other shall be void. 上述船舶的船长或代理人签署了三份正本,期限和时间相同,如一张提单已用于提货,其余提单自动失效,特此证明。