- Abstract Schein’s Career Theory is divided into two parts: One is “Career Anchors Theory” and the other is “Career Development Theory”. 摘 要 对施恩的职业理论进行研究有助于单位对员工进行职业生涯规划。文章主要研究了施恩的职业锚理论和职业发展理论。
- The suitableness of one"s career design and the correctness of career choice have direct relevance to the success or failure of life cause. 个人职业生涯设计得是否合理,职业选择得是否正确,直接关系到人生事业的成功和失败。
- If a team plays the match with five players: They forfeit one single game and one double game. 如果一个队在比赛时只有五人出场,这个队的一个单人赛和一个双人赛不比就算输掉了。
- Hornbeck’s career is remarkable for its influence and longevity. 霍恩贝克的风格博采众长且灵活变通。
- That should put an end to S.R.'s career as an amateur masseur. 这应该能是柔肩者的”业余按摩“职业生涯画上一个句号。
- But Liebesman’s career so far has been extremely unimpressive. 但利伯曼现在的职业并不十分显赫。
- Whoever will die at some day.I’m so honoured for my life with timelessly flourishing proletariate’s career. 18、“人生自古谁无死,一个人的生命能够和无产阶级永葆青春的事业拥抱在一起,我感到无上的光荣。”
- Pascal Cygan’s arrival that summer failed to curtail Keown’s career as he made 24 appearances in 2002/03. 那个夏天西甘的到来,也没能终结基翁的职业生涯,他在02-03赛季上场24次。
- forfeit one's life on the battlefield 在战场丧失生命;战死;阵亡
- Into the 1937 Hollywood film company Warner Bros.Television actor’s career began. 1937年进入好莱坞华纳兄弟电影公司开始影视演员的生涯。
- Mr Obama will want an ally on the Supreme Court;but as Mr Souter’s career attests, unsackable judges make unpredictable allies. 奥巴马将希望在最高法院拥有一个盟友,但是就像苏特法官的职业经历所证明的那样,无法解雇的法官们与谁结盟难以预测。
- Shakespeare’s career, he argues, was more evenly split between London and Warwickshire, town and country, than is generally supposed. 倍特先生推论,莎翁的人生事业,比一般人所知道的,还要更平衡地均分于伦敦和沃里克郡、城镇和乡村、首都和荒野、政府和平民。
- Throughout Carter’s career, Charles Oakley, Antonio Davis and, most recently, Kidd have been around to help with the heavy lifting. 在卡特的职业生涯中,查尔斯奥克利,安东尼戴维斯,最近,基德已经出现,以帮助繁重。
- Kalashnikov’s career as a weapons designer began in 1941, after he was wounded during the Red Army’s crushing defeat at the Battle of Bryansk. 卡拉什尼科夫的武器设计生涯始于1941年,此前他在布良斯克战役中负伤,红军也遭遇决定性失败。
- HIN's son, YAN KA YING (FUNG TSIU FAN) tries every fair means and foul to defame him.From then on, CHEONG's career is beset with difficulties. 甄家英(冯淬帆)欲独吞家产,不惜千方百计陷害昌,令昌的事业危机处处。
- Eventually her husband’s career prompted their family to relocate to Albany, Georgia, a small town in the southeastern portion of the United States. 后来她的丈夫因为工作的关系,全家搬到乔治亚州的艾巴尼镇。这是美国东南部的一个小镇。
- Information regarding the applicant’s career goals, and how they fit the goals of the W.T.Chan Fellowships, would also be helpful. 如列明有关申请者个人事业之志向,并如何符合陈氏学者项目奖学金的宗旨,将对甄选给予很大帮助。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- One who makes a career in one of the armed forces. 职业军人在武装部队中谋职的人
- It is very vital to our future’s career development.The teaching mottoes of GLMBA is just what I am looking for, so I decide to choose GLMBA programe. 就是因为这些不同,我们应该选择和投资最适合我们未来发展的MBA项目,这对我们未来的职业发展非常重要。