- forestry official titles 林业职官
- Your official title is Accounting Clerk. 你正式的职称是会计事务员。
- He took up many posts and official titles while he was alive, which were all written on the funeral streamer when he died. 他生前有很多职务、官衔,去世后都写在了铭旌上。
- The official title of the job is 'Administrative Assistant'. 这个职位的正式名称为“行政助理”。
- Thus it is still an important task for Hunan ideological and cultural circles to continually emancipate thought, accelerate opening up and abolish the thought of "valuing official titles". 所以继续解放思想、扩大开放和破除“官本位”思想,仍是湖南思想、文化界的重要任务。
- Forestry officials say the firefighters' work was hampered by the lack of satellite imagery. 比如说定期拍摄卫星照片,以帮助强化希腊的林地禁建令。
- Our programme works with specially designated government forestry officials in countries all around the world who provide us the national information. 我们的计划与世界各国政府专门指定的林业官员一起工作,他们向我们提供国家信息。
- BFU runs training programs for forestry officials since 2005.They are “Seminar for Officials on Forestry Management” in 2005 and 2007. 北京林业大学受中国国家林业局、商务部等部门委托,自2005年开始为外国林业管理官员举办短期培训班。
- Forestry officials have set up checkpoints and banned hunting around a mountain where a farmer and former hunter snapped the animal gazing directly at the camera. 一个农民兼前任猎人在山上发现了这只老虎并且偷拍下来。林业官员现在已经设立的检查站,禁止在这个区域狩猎。
- official titles for the art academy 画院职名
- Thai navy officers and forestry officials display dead tigers and leopards seized after a raid on an illegal wildlife trade on the bank of Mekong river in Nakhon Phanom province northeastern Thailand Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008. 1月29日,泰国海军及林业官员在泰东南部的那空拍侬府展示被不法分子猎杀的老虎和豹子的尸体。
- Timber concessionaires at least have an incentive (and probably the wherewithal) to look after their property, while ill-paid and ill-equipped forestry officials often have neither. 调查中,马来西亚不仅拥有最多的、经悉心经营的森林,而且也是成员国中最富庶的国家之一,这决非偶然。
- At least 13 Sumatran rhinos of the Bornean subspecies were located in a survey in May 2005 of an area in Sabah's interior by teams of WWF and state wildlife and forestry officials and academics. 据法新社3月17日报道,2005年5月,世界自然基金会的研究小组与沙巴州野生动物及林业部门的官员和学者在当地内陆地带找到了至少13头苏门答腊犀牛。
- The ancient official title is often used as an appellation term,especially since Tang and Song Dynasties. 古代官名用于称谓的现象很多、特别是唐宋以来。
- Official Title: Phase I Study of KLT in Patients With Solid Tumors Refractory to Standard Therapy. 题目全称:康莱特抗癌注射液在美国临床一期实验,对于目前的标准治疗来说,病人患有难治性实体肿瘤。
- Forestry appertains to geography. 森林学和地理学有关。
- Needless to say we will make sure you are the first to know as soon as we DO have the official title of the album. 不用说,专辑的官方名称一出来,我们就一定会在第一时间告诉你们的。
- Each more, be proclaimed oneself at long last this time the" official title"s of I. 俺的“官衔”又多了一个了,但这回总算不是自封的。
- The official title of the person is‘Justiteombudsman’, but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the‘J.O. 此人官衔为“司法特派员”,但瑞典人一般都管他叫“J.O.”,即“司法特派员”。
- The official title of the person is Justiteombudsman, but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the J.O. or Ombudsman. 此人官衔为“司法特派员”,但瑞典人一般管他叫“J.;O