- forest vegetation restoration 森林植被恢复
- Soil improved effect of vegetation restoration in Coal waste piles. 植被恢复下矸石山土壤改良效益研究。
- Forest vegetation types in Gutianshan Natural Reserve in Zhejiang. 浙江古田山自然保护区森林植被类型。
- Furthermore,silvicultural and forest management techniques were also proposed for better vegetation restoration while ecological,economic and social profits of vegetation restoration were analyzed. 探讨了人工植被恢复可采用的造林与营林关键技术及喀斯特山地退化生态系统植被恢复的生态、经济和社会效益;
- The zonal forest vegetation is subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. 其中,亚热带常绿阔叶林为地带性森林类型。
- Vegetation restoration is an effective approach for ecosystem restoration and enhancement in eroded area of red soil. 植被恢复是红壤侵蚀区生态恢复与重建的有效途径。
- No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments. 任何单位和个人不得挪用森林植被恢复费。
- Designing of Expert System on Assessment of Ecological Environment Optimization and Vegetation Restoration. 退化草地植被生态恢复系统工程设计。
- As a palm fibre based bio-material,ecomat mulching can reduce soil erosion and fertility loss and hasten vegetation restoration. 作为一种生物环保材料,生态垫可以降低土壤侵蚀和肥力流失,促进植被恢复。
- Soil seed banks have a important significance to the degraded vegetation restoration of karst mountains. 土壤种子库对岩溶山地退化植被恢复具有重要意义。
- Remote Sensing Classification of Forest Vegetation Based on Artificial Neural Network. 基于人工神经网络的森林植被遥感分类研究。
- In this paper, the ecological impacts of regional vegetation restoration were predicted in an arid valley of Minjiang River, SW China. 为了评估区域植被恢复的生态风险,根据岷江上游干旱河谷区域植被恢复格局的设计结果,预测了区域植被恢复对生态安全的影响。
- Land desertification can develop so fast, the main reason is the devastation of forest vegetation by human. 土地沙漠化之所以迅速发展,主要原因是人类对植被的破坏。
- There are different species and dominant associations of vanessa in diffeerent types of forest vegetation. 在不同的森林植被类型中,有着不同的蛱蝶种类和优势种群。
- Taking Yanhe River watershed as an example,regionalization of vegetation restoration was studied by using GIS technique. 以延河流域为例,研究了基于GIS的植被恢复分区。
- It was very helpful to use the holes digging method in the process of vegetation restoration in the two sub-islands of Ma-cao. 在澳门凼仔岛和路环岛两个离岛的植被成功恢复过程中,土坑法这一技术的应用起到了很好的作用。
- Some strategics are proposed in the paper to restore and develop forest vegetation in this area. 并就如何恢复和发展森林植被,提出了一些对策。
- Abstract Clarification of indigenous and exotic plant species is very important for floristic analysis and vegetation restoration. 摘要 澄清一个地区的植物来源对于植物区系分析及植被恢复是很重要的。
- Rocky desertification of land is caused by many factors,and the main point is the destruction of forest vegetation. 石漠化土地是多种因素共同作用的结果,归根结底是由于森林植被遭受破坏所致。
- Forest vegetation impacts on runoff and sediment within nested experiment watersheds on the loess plateau in western Shanxi province. 晋西黄土区森林植被对嵌套流域径流泥沙影响研究。