- The dynamic changes of forest resources of Chuxiong prefecture have been discussed and analyzed by means of continuous forest inventory data in 1993 and in 2000. 利用楚雄州1993年和2000年森林资源连续清查资料,对森林资源动态变化情况进行了论述和分析:林业用地面积增加;
- Forest Inventory Data Processing and Application of the Information Management System 资源调查数据处理和信息管理系统构建原则
- A new methodology for estimating forest NPP based on forest inventory data-- a case study of Chinese pine forest 基于森林资源清样调查资料的森林生产力估算模式--以中国油松林为例
- forest inventory data 森林清查数据
- The speech is on forest inventory and monitory. 这些美丽的树、秋叶,就在不远处。
- Sampling scheme design, inventory technology and methodology, operational process and many other factors influences the continuous forest inventory (CFI) data accuracy and reliability. 森林资源连续清查数据的准确性和可靠性受到抽样方案设计、调查技术方法和实施操作过程等诸多因素的影响。
- Multistage sampling in forest inventory is not restricted to fixed-area sampling units. 森林资源清查中,多阶抽样并不局限于固定面积的抽样单元。
- Table. The trigger submits events to the Inventory Tracker application whenever inventory data is updated. 无论库存数据何时更新,触发器都会把事件提交到库存跟踪器应用程序中。
- Typically, read-only product pricing and warehouse inventory data is sent to the retail outlet whenever updates to this data occur. 通常,只要更新只读产品定价和仓库库存数据,此数据就会发送到零售店。
- Forest canopy closure, which is an important forest inventory factor, plays an important role in forest management and ecosystem management. 摘要郁闭度是重要的森林调查因子之一,在森林经营与生态系统管理中具有重要作用。
- Inventory data can be "rolled up" or consolidated from a number of servers at local warehouses into a central server at corporate headquarters. 库存数据可以从本地仓库的多个服务器中“汇总”或合并到公司总部的中央服务器。
- Inventory data can be consolidated from a number of servers at local warehouses into a central server at corporate headquarters. 可以将库存数据从本地仓库中的若干个服务器合并到公司总部的中心服务器。
- London Metal Exchange (LME) announced the latest inventory data, as of December 16, aluminum stocks up to 1,942,700 tons. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)最新公布的库存数据显示,截至12月16日,铝库存高达194.;27万吨。
- DMI allows management software to speak with client stations to collect hardware configuration and inventory data such as serial numbers,installed hardware,and embedded firmware. DMI允许管理软件与客户机对话,收集硬件配置和诸如序列号、已安装硬件和已嵌入固件等编目数据。
- Pre-next Monday, the U.S.Department of Agriculture report will be published in January, including the production, carryover stocks and quarterly inventory data. 下周一盘前,美国农业部将公布1月份报告,包括产量、结转库存和季度库存数据。
- A new system with detailed methods is proposed according to the special condition of our own country after reviewing the forest inventory history,the researches and the practices about AFI in the world. 在回顾国内外森林资源监测历史、年度监测理论研究和实践的基础上,提出了适合我国国情的一套初步的技术方法。
- In MSS, to remove information about a mass storage volume from the massstorage volume inventory data set, and to put the identification of both cartridges on a list of scratch data cartridges. 在海量存储器(MSS)中,从海量存储器卷清单数据集中抹去有关某个海量存储器卷的信息,并把两个盒式盘的标识置入临时数据盒式盘的清单中。
- Inventory data update by day. 库存帐目的每天更新。
- DMI allows management software to speak with client stations to collect hardware configuration and inventory data such as serial numbers, installed hardware, and embedded firmware. DMI允许管理软件与客户机对话,收集硬件配置和诸如序列号、已安装硬件和已嵌入固件等编目数据。
- Growth Model System for Continuous Forest Inventory 应用于森林资源连续清查的生长模型系统