- Discussion of the forest ecological restoration in the Dan 河南丹江流域森林生态系统恢复探讨
- forest ecological restoration 森林生态恢复
- Natural grassland degradation and ecological restoration in Aba region. 阿坝州天然草原的退化及生态恢复。
- The holistic utilization of resources must be promoted and ecological restoration from farmlands must be conducted in a rational and sequential manner. 努力提高资源综合利用水平,合理有序地进行生态退耕。
- The government has paid special attention to the construction of forest ecological projects. 中国政府特别重视林业生态工程建设。
- It is necessary to take ecological restoration to improve water quality in ecosystem destructed headwaters area of reservoir. 摘要为改善和保证库区水体水质,有必要对生态系统受到破坏的水库水源地进行生态修复。
- Of the ten national-level and provincial-level nature reserves, most belong to the primeval forest ecological system. 还有十多个国家级和省级的自然保护区,其中不少是原始森林生态系统。
- Diagnosis of degradation degree of grassland ecosystem is the basis and the precondition of ecological restoration. 摘要草地退化程度诊断是退化草地生态系统恢复和重建的前提和基础。
- The externality theory is a basic theory of explaining economy activities and forest ecological environment problems. 摘要本外部性理论是解释经济活动与森林生态环境问题的基础理论。
- The ecological restoration and reconstruction has become the hot spot of academia right now. 生态恢复与重建是当前学术界关注的热点问题之一。
- SOM's master plan identifies eight themes around which development and ecological restoration will be organized. 围绕发展与组织生态修复,SOM的总体规划确定了八个主题。
- The eco-environmental harness of opencast mine has been an important part of ecological restoration in China. 露天开采矿山的生态环境治理已成为我国生态环境治理的一个重要组成部分。
- The paper summarized ecological programming study at home and broad and went through study of optimal forest ecological programming in Hainan province. 在对国内外生态规划研究综述的基础上,通过对海南省最优森林生态规划的研究指出:要使海南省林地、林木和森林环境服务的效益最大,必须调整用材林、防护林、特用林和竹林的面积比例。
- Hyacinth is one of hydrophytes that studied earliest and most completely in water ecological restoration. 水葫芦是水生态修复中研究最早和最深入的水生植物之一。
- This research provides one scientific and effective method to solve the complex problem how to evaluate index system of forest ecological harvesting. 本研究为解决森林生态采伐系统评价这一复杂问题提供了一种科学、有效的评价方法和工具。
- Mycorrhiza is one of the new technologies applied on ecological restoration of coal mine areas. 菌根是目前应用于煤矿区生态治理的一种新技术,菌根孢子密度是衡量菌根生态适应性的标准之一。
- The paper discussed the importance and relationship between Hanzhong forest ecological construction and the project of south-to-north water diversion. 应用突变多准则评价法对南水北调中线水源工程项目的多方案比选作出评价决策。
- The central government supported ecological restoration and conservation around Beijing-Tianjin and in the northern China as a whole is very well progressed. 中央支持的环京津地区乃至整个北方地区大规模的生态保护和建设已经取得初步进展。
- Red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens, RTB), which was probably introduced from USA, is one of the most important invasive pests in Chinese forest ecological system. 摘要红脂大小蠹是我国重要的外来入侵害虫,给我国林业生产和国土生态安全带来巨大危害。
- Evaluating the effects of ecological restoration by quantitative analysis of plankton diversity in both demonstration and non-demonstration zones of Zhenjiang. 摘要通过对镇江示范区与非示范区内的浮游生物多样性定量分析,评测其生态修复的效果。