- Does anyone will apply geology of foreign university? 这么大个论坛?有没有打算申请去国外读地质专业的呢?
- The government doesn't wish Dr. Jekyll Hyde to accept a professorship at a foreign university. 政府不希望吉基尔·海德博士接受外国大学的教授职务。
- School Rep.: Then, you are thinking about going to a foreign university for an advanced degree? 学校代表:那你是想去外国大学读研究所?
- The government does not wish Dr Jekyll Hyde to accept a professorship ata foreign university. 政府不想让杰基尔·海德博士接受某一外国大学的教授职务。
- Three years experience in foreign university research institution of appraising and studying new medicines. 三年国外大学研究院新药评价研究经验。
- The government does not wish Dr.Wang to accept a professorship at a foreign university. 政府不希望王博士接受外国大学的教授职位。
- In the education sector, the Prime Minister launched the first independent foreign university in China at a live telecast recorded at CCTV studios. 在教育方面,在中国中央电视台演播室的一次直播节目中,首相宣布成立了中国第一所独立的外资大学。
- If you want to have a different summer, then you can choose a foreign university summer school and enjoy living and studying abroad with students from all over the world. 假如你想要有个不同的暑假,你可以选一个外国的大学暑期学校,享受和世界各地来的学生在外国住宿以及学习。
- Whereas in China exams are at the end of the year, in a foreign university exams are often weekly and assignments require a large amount of unsupervised research. 在中国,考试都是在每学期结束的时候,在国外的大学,考试经常是每周都有,作业也要求大量的无人监督的研究调查。
- The University of Paris 1 has signed over 150 conventions with foreign universities across five continents. 索邦巴黎第一大学已经与五大洲150所国外大学签有合作交流协定。
- Sixteen leading foreign universities including INSEAD and the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business today call Singapore home. 已有16所国外知名大学(包括INSEAD和芝加哥大学商学院)来到新加坡设立分校。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- We have also established links with UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON in England and other foreign universities, students can do their overseas degrees after their graduation. 我系还与英国胡佛汉顿大学等国外院校合作,为学生进一步发展创造良好的条件。
- IPSCMI American instructors generally hold doctorates, most from prestigious American and foreign universities. IPSCMI的美籍讲师通常都拥有美国及国外享福盛名的学府的博士学位。
- Eventually,she became so famous that she was invited abroad and received many honours from foreign universities and monarchs. 最终,她声名显赫,应邀出国并受到外国大学和国王授予的荣誉。
- Staff mobility is another priority and every year some 130 academics from foreign universities come to teach and do research at the University of Paris 1. 人员的流动是该校另一项的优先工作,每年约有来自国外大学的130名学者至该校教学和从事研究。
- Eventually she became so famous that she was invited abroad and received many honours from foreign universities and monarchs. 最终她声名显赫,应邀出国并受到外国大学和国王授予的荣誉。
- We have also established links with UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON in England and other foreign universities students can do their overseas degrees after their graduation. 我系还与英国胡佛汉顿大学等国外院校合作为学生进一步发展创造良好的条件。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- Over the years I have oken with many bright young Chinese (17-19 years old) a lying to foreign universities for their undergraduate education. 多年来,我与许多申请去国外大学读本科的中国高材生(17-19岁)交谈过。