- Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau. 税务局:这里是涉外分局。
- foreign tax policy 涉外税收政策
- Tax official:This is the foreign tax bureau. 税务局:这里是涉外分局。
- The tax policy favors those with a high income. 税收政策有利于那些高收入的人。
- Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau. 税务局:这里是涉外分局。
- Frontier Tax Policy Study in China II. 中国税收政策前沿问题研究2。
- Good jobs depend on sound tax policy. 好的工作依赖于健康的税收政策。
- Tax policy and strategy of west China development II. 西部大开发战略与税收政策研究2。
- Study on tax policy and system of financial industry in China II. 中国金融业税收政策与制度研究2。
- Tax policy may have a profound effect on those on low incomes. 税收政策或许会对那些低收入人群产生深刻的影响。
- How's the Future for Russian Import Market under New Tax Policy? 新关税实施俄罗斯进口车市场是喜是忧?
- The parliament took the president's tax policy under advisement and denied it. 国会对总统的税法政策进行考虑后否决了。
- Tax official: We are from the foreign tax bureau. We want to inspect some information concerning the East Building project. This is my certificate. 税务局:我们是涉外税务局的。我们想了解有关东方大厦工程的情况。这是我的证件。
- Extensive knowledge of GAAP and tax policies. 有公认会计准则和税收政策知识。
- Nankang officials said the new tax policy has been temporarily suspended. 南康市官员说,新的税收政策暂不执行。
- We are from the foreign tax bureau. We want to inspect some information concerning the East Building project. Here you are. 税务局:谢谢!合同表明你公司是大厦工程的总承包人。
- The OECD launched its "harmful-tax initiative" to get rid of unhealthy tax competition and prod jurisdictions into helping foreign tax authorities with their investigations. OECD启动了“反有害税收竞争行动”,意在排除不当的税收竞争并通过调查帮助国外的税收机关收集税收情报。
- The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures. 高赋税政策肯定是不受欢迎的,但也未必能满足飞涨的军备开支。
- Assist tax supervisor to apply for favourable tax policies. 协助主管办理税务优惠政策的申报工作。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。