- He is an expert in military strategy. 他是军事战略专家。
- foreign military strategy 外国军事战略
- He added that Britain and France must first agree on the military strategy, and staff talks to that end should therefore take place. 他补充道,英国和法国首先须在军事战略上达成一致。因而,应举行有关的幕僚会谈以达到该目的。
- A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy. 声明尤其在外交和军事策略中的官方声明
- The changes in our Party's military strategy are worth studying. 我们党的军事战略的变化问题,值得给以研究。
- Mao Zedong was a great strategist skilled in military strategy. 毛泽东是一位善于制定 军事策略的伟大的军事 战略家.
- Meanwhile, china's socialist system and independent foreign policy of peace have determined the international defence policy and military strategy to be one of active defence. 中国的社会主义制度和独立自主的和平外交政策也决定了中国奉行积极防御的国防政策和军事战略方针。
- Changes in the party's military strategy in the civil war and the national war. 国内战争和民族战争中党的军事战略的转变。
- Over the past 10 years, private military companies, or PMCs, have quietly taken a central role in the exporting of security, strategy, and training for foreign militaries. 在过去的10年里,私营军事公司(简称PMC)在输出安全、战略及训练外军等工作中悄悄地扮演着主要角色。
- In era of shrinking armed forces, America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid. 在武装部队缩减的时代,美国转而求助私营公司履行军事援外工作。
- Foreign military officials attending the regatta toured a Song-class diesel-electric submarine. 参加此次阅兵式的外国军官参观了一艘宋级柴电潜艇。
- We require that any foreign military aircraftflying within that zone must report in or risk retaliatory action. 美国要求任何进入该地带的外国军用飞机都必须提出报告,否则将有可能遭到美国的报复性行动。)
- We must implement a military strategy of active defense in the new era and get better prepared for military struggle. 贯彻新时期积极防御军事战略方针,加强军事斗争准备。
- Therefore, with regard to the previously-mentioned draft resolution concerning foreign military bases in some paragraphs, we have some reservations. 因此,我们对上述决议案中,有关外国军事基地的段落表示保留。
- Political and military strategy or action intended to oppose and forcefully suppress insurgency. 反暴动,反叛乱用来反对或有力压制叛乱的政治和军事策略或行动
- Secretary of the long-term production and sale of foreign military uniforms such as: M65 windbreaker.G8 EU clothes .1943 windbreaker. 本司长期生产和销售国外军装如:M65风衣.G8冲锋服.;1943风衣
- The purpose of the study is to improve the foreign military personnel TCSL training program entrusted by the National Defense University. 摘要中原大学接受国防大学委训外国军官及军校学生华语训练班队至今步入第四年。
- Questions of military strategy, geopolitics and morality loom large, but so do questions of law. 就本次战争而言,军事策略、地缘政治和道德问题都是突出的问题,同时,法律问题也很突出。
- This characteristic basically determines our military strategy and tactics as well as our political strategy and tactics. 这个特点,不但基本地规定了我们政治上的战略和战术,而且也基本地规定了我们军事上的战略和战术。
- The Garrison's tasks are to fulfill defense duties,manage military installations,handle matters concerning foreign military affairs,and ensure Macao's security and stability. 澳门驻军的任务是,担负防卫勤务,管理军事设施,办理有关涉外军事事宜,确保澳门的安全稳定;