- Many people who have lived in other countries feel that their foreign experience enables them to understand their own society better. 许多在外国居住过的人都觉得,在国外的经历使他们能更好地理解本国社会。
- To realize agricultural modernization,we should draw on foreign experience of transferring rural population especially U. 农业人口的转移是农业现代化的重要途径,也是结果。
- Concrete conditions of copying foreign experience slavishly and not combining the domestic market, lack management tactics of the localization, etc. 照搬照抄外国经验而没有结合国内市场的具体情况,缺乏本土化的经营策略等等。
- The research on NPO in foreign countries is better than that in China, we should learn foreign experience in relevant research areas. 对非营利性组织的研究西方发达国家走得更远,我国在相关领域的研究中应该批判地借鉴国外的经验。
- Foreign experience is of great benefit to improving stomatological education and public stomatological health care in China. 借鉴国外的经验,提高我国口腔医学教育的水平,对提高我国口腔卫生健康水平有重要意义。
- When we realize marketization of the interest rate system, then we can refer to foreign experience and deepen our interest rate reform. 中国不能直接照搬这些操作,而应该先培育金融市场,待实现利率市场化之后,再参考这些经验,深化利率改革。
- Based on condition in existence and equipment made in our country, and using foreign experience for reference, author brings forward resolvent. 但作者借鉴国外的作法在常规的问题上提出了自己的解决方法,按我国的现有的条件、设备结合实际情况,进行了较为细致的分析。
- Be based on foreign experience, hardware the important mark that stand or fall already made discriminative ambry stand or fall. 基于国外经验,五金件的好坏已成为区别橱柜好坏的重要标志。
- Based on the feantures of service-repair of high speed EMU and foreign experience,drawing models of the general layout at maintenance depot are briefly analyzed. 根据高速铁路电动车组运用检修的特点和国外运用经验,分析动车组的维修体制、动车段的型式和总平面布置的要求等重要问题。
- Both in revolution and in construction we should also learn from foreign countries and draw on their experience,but mechanical application of foreign experience and copying of foreign models will get us nowhere. 无论是革命还是建设,都要注意学习和借鉴外国经验。但是,照抄照搬别国经验、别国模式,从来不能得到成功。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- Therefore, draw on foreign experience in the legislative cud judicial practice in China Construction of a comprehensive security system for victims of the country's judicial building The priority. 因此,借鉴国外的立法经验并结合我国司法实际构建一套完备的被害人保障制度是我国目前司法建设的当务之急。
- And it is necessary for us to consummate appraisal standard and improve appraisal methods using the mature foreign experience, for example: entire international standard system, OCTAVE and so on. 应充分借鉴国外成熟经验,用完整的国际标准体系完善我国风险评估标准,用先进的OCTAVE框架改进现有的风险评估方法。
- We use the foreign experience for reference, by collecting ecologic tax, and then we can gather the funds of the ecosystem environmental protection, at the same time, improve all the people's susta... 借鉴国外的经验,开征生态税收,可以在筹集生态环保资金的同时,提高全民的可持续发展意识。
- We should profit from foreign experience,for instance,the ban estoppels theory,the loss of right of reply system, the principle of the burden of proof time,counterclaims restriction... 我们应该借鉴国外经验,比如禁反言理论,答辩失权制度,举证时限原则,反诉限制制度以及向当事人主义诉讼模式的转变,从而防止诉讼突袭。
- So how to avoid the disaster is important to China.According to the foreign experience to analyze the future trends in China and provide some useful methods for controlling fire ant. 本文主要介绍了红火蚁在全球生物入侵的基本情况,根据东西半球生物类型逐渐趋同的原理,借鉴美国等国家的经验,分析了红火蚁对生态环境的威胁,以及红火蚁的防制措施等相关国内外的研究。
- In the course of accident emergency response and preparedness, it is highly necessary to draw domestic and foreign experiences and lessons. 在事故应急响应和准备中,注意吸取国内外核和辐射事故应急的经验与教训是必要的。
- In the course of accident emergency response and preparedness,it is highly necessary to draw domestic and foreign experiences and lessons. 在事故应急响应和准备中,注意吸取国内外核和辐射事故应急的经验与教训是必要的。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- And with advanced foreign experiences in towing with cable; our special salvage tug is equipped with high-strength salvage towing cable and its guide cable-Denima rope. 为此,借鉴国外先进的带缆拖航的救助经验,专用救助拖船配备了高强度救助拖缆及其引缆-迪尼玛缆绳。