- The decrease reflected primarily the valuation effect of foreign currency investments and redemption of currency notes issued, which were partly offset by investment income from foreign currency investments. 境外资产减少,主要是由于外币资产的价值有所改变,以及赎回已发行的纸币,但减少的幅度已部分被外币投资收入抵销。
- The increase in foreign currency assets was partly due to revaluation effects on foreign currency investments. 外币资产增加,部分原因是外币投资重估的影响。
- The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly due to evaluation gains on foreign currency investments and increase in currency notes outstanding. 外币资产增加,主要原因是外币投资的估值上升,以及已发行纸币增加。
- The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly due to income from foreign currency assets and valuation gains on foreign currency investments. 外币资产增加,主要是因为来自外币资产的收益及外币投资的估值收益。
- The rise in foreign currency assets was due mainly to valuation gains on foreign currency investments, and interest and dividend income from foreign currency assets. 外币资产增加,主要是因为外币投资的估值,以及来自外币资产的利息及股息收入。
- The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly due to valuation gains of foreign currency investments and an increase in securities purchased but settled in the following month. 外币资产增加,主要是因为外币投资的估值收益及所购入的证券增加,但此等证券在下月才结算。
- Keep this exchange memo for reconversion into foreign currency. 保存好这张兑换水单以便兑换回外币。
- foreign currency investment 外汇投资
- How much foreign currency have you got with you? 您一共携带多少外币?
- Foreign currency and gold reserves were drained. 外汇和黄金储备日益枯竭。
- Have you got any foreign currency with you? 你随身带外汇没有?
- How does it handle foreign currency? 它是怎样处理外汇流通的?
- She commuted some foreign currency to domestic. 她把一些外币换成本国货币。
- How much local and foreign currency have you got? 您有多少本地及外国货币?
- Besides,have you got any foreign currency with you? 另外,您随身带有外汇吗?
- Where can I exchange foreign currency? 我到哪能兑换外币?
- Where can I exchange some foreign currency? 什么地方可以兑换外币?
- How much foreign currency are you carrying? 你带有多少外币?
- Yes, you can.For RMB or for foreign currency? 人民币还是外币?
- Could I change some foreign currency? 我能换些外币吗?