- Inviting a foreign coach is very expensive. 聘请外国教练费用太贵。
- A foreign coach has special knowledge and expertise. 外国教练具有专门的知识和专长。
- Employing foreign coach is one the im-portant moves. 聘请洋教头就是其中一项重要的举措。
- Maher will be the first foreign coach to lead the women's team. 他将是第一位担任该职务的外国教练。
- Whereupon,Klaus Schlappner of Germany was the earliest foreign coach introduced into China. 于是,德国的施拉普 纳是最早引进的一位外国教练。
- Jeff: Are there any foreign coaches now? 杰夫: 现在还有洋教练吗?
- Whereupon, Klaus Schlappner of Germany was the earliest foreign coach introduced into China. 于是,德国的施拉普 纳是最早引进的一位外国教练。
- Foreign coaches don't speak Chinese,so communication is difficult. 外国教练不会讲汉语,沟通很困难。
- Foreign coaches don't speak Chinese, so communication is difficult. 外国教练不会讲汉语,沟通很困难。
- China should invite foreign coaches to improve the skill level of our athletes. 中国应当聘请国外教练来提高我国运动员的技术水平。
- Since the 90s, some people suggested that employing foreign coaches can walk less on crooked roads. 90年代开始,有 人主张聘请国外教练可以少走弯路。
- For in-stance,Korean football realized its taking-off through the employing of foreign coaches. 如: 韩国的足球就是靠聘请洋 教练实现起飞的。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- Foreign athletes have been introduced into China and foreign coaches have been employed to train the national team. 中国已引进国外的球员并且聘请国外的教练执教国家队。
- Since the 90s,some people suggested that employing foreign coaches can walk less on crooked roads. 90年代开始,有人主张聘请国外教练可以少走弯路。
- Foreign athletes have been intro-duced into China and foreign coaches have been employed to train the national team. 引进国外的球员;聘请国外的教练执教国家队。
- Big football clubs in China employed foreign coaches to take charge of their football teams. 中国各大足球俱乐部纷纷聘请外籍教练出掌球队的帅印。
- Meanwhile, the tactics of the foreign coaches were not accordant with the development trend of world basketball. 同时认为外籍教练哈里斯的球星战术“一人球队”与世界篮坛的发展趋势是不相一致的。
- Maybe foreign coaches achieve temporary improvements but it had better spend the money on developing our own national coaching program. 外国教练可能使我们的训练工作暂时取得一些进展,然而最好拿出经费开展我们自己国家的教练员培训计划。
- Simply leaning on inviting several senior foreign coaches cannot fundamentally change the current situations of Chinese football. 仅仅依靠聘用几名国外的高级教练无法从根本上改变中国足球的现状。