- The number of Taiwanese investment enterprises and the amount of agreed investment ranks third and fourth respectively among foreign business invested enterprises in the whole city. 台资企业数和协议投资额分别列全市外商投资企业的第三位和第四位。
- Brief introduction of enterprise: Located in the center of Yinzhou district,Ningbo, it was a foreign business invested,the main ofdealing with Gents fashion. V into this website or E-mail:(隐藏) : 宁波优曼时装有限公司是外商独资企业。
- Foreign business investment promote rapidly developing China's import and exports trade 外商投资促进中国进出口贸易快速发展
- foreign business investment 外商投资
- Foreign business people are facing new development opportunities in making investment in China and participating in the development of western regions. 外商来中国投资,参与西部大开发,正面临着新的发展机遇。
- MESBIC - minority enterprise small business investment company. 少数民族小型企业投资公司。
- We encourage foreign businesses to invest or expand investment in China. 我们欢迎外国公司来华投资或扩大在华投资。
- Jiadajiamei International Business Investment Consulting Co. 加达加美国际商务投资咨询公司。
- Our company situates in Shenzhen for foreign business contact. 公司设在深圳市,负责对外业务联系。
- Circular of the General Office of the State Council Concerning the State of Sorting out and Consolidation of Non-experimental Foreign Business Invested Commercial Enterprises 国务院办公厅关于清理整顿非试点外商投资商业企业情况的通知
- Which would remove uncertainty that is holding back business investment plans. 那将会耽误已把握住的后面的生意投资的不确定计划?
- Manufacturing accounted for 36% of business investment in the last fiscal year. 在上一个财年,制造业占商业投资的36%25。
- Foreign business is a hotel, the hotel also has a unique Islamic flavor hotel! 是一家涉外商务型酒店,酒店还设有独特的伊斯兰风味酒店!
- The usual way to do foreign business is to exchange business letters and telegrams. 对外贸易通常以互通信件或电报的方式进行。
- Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on foreign businesses. 香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于外国商行。
- Hong Kong dawn international ring business investment company Chairman Ms.Zhang Suxiang sends the welcome refined language: Chinese and foreign friend: You are good. Welcome to visit this website! 董事长张素香女士致欢迎辞:中外朋友:您们好。欢迎访问本网站!
- The Fed chairman was more upbeat on business investment, which he said remained on a solid upward trend. 这位美联储主席对企业投资更乐观,称企业投资趋势在稳步上扬。
- The licensee of exploration or mining may revalue his given right of exploration or mining as an investment to enter jointly exploring and mining mineral resources with foreign business. 探矿权人、采矿权人可以将其依法取得的探矿权、采矿权作价与外商合资或者合作勘查、开采矿产资源。
- With offices all over the world, IFA can help you determine the best environment for your business investment. 凭借我们在世界各地的办公室,法国政府投资部能帮助你决定你商务投资的最好环境。
- I will agree to this year's dividend on condition that we drop this foreign business in future,lock,stock and barrel. 如果我们今后全盘彻底放弃这种外国生意,我可以同意今年发股息。