- US Seeks More Foreign Doctors, Medical. 美国寻求更多外国医生和医学生。
- Close shot Inside the room a foreign doctor examines the X-ray and asks for the patient's notes. She listens to his heart through a stethoscope and measures his blood pressure. 诊室内,外国专家先看看X光片,并向病人询问病历,用听筒听病人的心脏,又量了一下血压。
- After that, foreign doctors can receive a visa to stay in the United States, at least for the training period. 考试通过后,外国医生方可获得至少可以保证住院医师在培训期间驻留美国的签证。
- The first time the chance, I understand the foreign doctors Maikenina ----- life Soliloquy 1970 started! 一次偶然的机会,我认识了外国富婆迈克妮娜-----人生的悲喜苦乐便展开了!
- "I understand the foreign doctors want to help immediately, but we need to try and set up some amount of coordination. 他说,“我能理解外国医生想立刻提供帮助,但是我们需要尝试建立一定数量的协作。”
- The Gui Shan Hotel is donating accomodation for the foreign Doctors and Translators. 桂林市人民医院将免费提供此次的研讨会的场所及所需要的医疗设施;
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- I have observed over the years that most foreign doctors receive little encouragement, advice, or collegiality from a medical hierarchy engrossed in its own needs. 作者通过自己的观察谈了对国外医生移民后的艰辛。
- Haneef was arrested on July 2 on a tip-off from British police in the eastern city of Brisbane after seven people, including at least four foreign doctors, were detained in Britain over three failed car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow. 涉嫌参与伦敦和格拉斯哥三起汽车爆炸未遂案的七名嫌疑犯在英国被拘留,其中至少有四人是外国医生,随后受英国警方通缉,7月2日哈尼夫在东部城市布里斯班逮捕。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- She has a foreign accent that I can't quite place. 她有外国口音,但我听不出是哪儿的口音。
- The country was bled white by her foreign rulers. 这个国家在异族的统治下民穷财尽。
- May be a little austere for foreign taste. 可能对外国口味而言过于朴素了些。
- Do you accept foreign exchange certificate? 你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?
- I believe you take in foreign students. 我想你们是收外国学生寄宿的。
- The police had captured a foreign spy. 警方抓获了一名外国间谍。
- I don't think he takes kindly to foreign tourists. 我认为他不喜欢外国游客。
- His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign. 他的口音显露出他是外国人。
- I am on good terms with this foreign friend. 我与这外宾的关系很好。
- It's not easy to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语并不容易。