- Article 178 Foreign civil aircraft should make their flights according to the fly schedule or plan approved by CAA. 第一百七十八条外国民用航空器,应当按照中华人民共和国国务院民用航空主管部门批准的班期时刻或者飞行计划飞行;
- Article 180 CAA and other departments in charge have the right to inspect the documents specified in Article 90 at the time of landing or takeoff of foreign civil aircraft. 第一百八十条中华人民共和国国务院民用航空主管部门和其他主管机关,有权在外国民用航空器降落或者飞出时查验本法第九十条规定的文件。
- Only with the approval of own government and CAA can an operator of foreign civil aircraft run nonregular air transport between one place in PRC territories and other place overseas. 外国民用航空器的经营人经其本国政府批准,并获得中华人民共和国国务院民用航空主管部门批准,方可经营中华人民共和国境内一地和境外一地之间的不定期航空运输。
- Foreign civil aircraft and the personnel, baggage and cargo abroad should accept entry-exit, customs and quarantine inspection carried out by PRC's relevant departments in charge according to law. 外国民用航空器及其所载人员、行李、货物,应当接受中华人民共和国有关主管机关依法实施的入境出境、海关、检疫等检查。
- Chapter XIII Special Provisions Governing Foreign Civil Aircraft 第十三章对外国民用航空器的特别规定
- TCA Committee on Trade in Civil Aircraft. 民用航空器贸易委员会文件。
- What Industry Is Chinese Civil Aircraft Industry? 什么样的产业才是中国的民机产业?
- Ride Quality of Civil Aircraft from a Probabilistic Viewpoint. 从概率观点看民用飞机的飞行品质。
- Necessary expenses incurred for the custody of the civil aircraft. 保管维护该民用航空器的必需费用。
- Article 9 A civil aircraft shall not possess dual nationality. 第九条民用航空器不得具有双重国籍。
- The provisions do not apply to mail transit by civil aircraft. 本章不适用于使用民用航空器办理的邮件运输。
- "Plane" is the general name for military and civil aircraft. 飞机是对军用飞机和民用飞机的总称。
- Acivil aircraft lien shall have priority over the mortgage of a civil aircraft. 第二十二条民用航空器优先权先于民用航空器抵押权受偿。
- The research was made on the afterbody flow field of civil aircraft. 本文运用计算与实验相结合的研究方法对民机机身后体流场进行了研究。
- Stockholm University can offer foreign civil servants a range of tailor-made training programs in each of the areas for which Sweden is renowned. 斯德哥尔摩大学能够提供外国公务员一系列的量身定制的培训项目,瑞典在这些项目所在的领域上都是享有盛誉的。
- The pilot-in-command shall be a pilot possessing the technique and experience of independently piloting that type of civil aircraft. 机长应当由具有独立驾驶该型号民用航空器的技术和经验的驾驶员担任。
- Article22 A civil aircraft lien shall have priority over the mortgage of a civil aircraft. 第二十二条民用航空器优先权先于民用航空器抵押权受偿。
- The crew of a civil aircraft is composed of a pilot-in-command and other flight personnel. 第四十三条民用航空器机组由机长和其他空勤人员组成。
- This Chapter shall not apply to the transport of mail performed by civil aircraft. 本章不适用于使用民用航空器办理的邮件运输。
- Foreign civil procedure law II. 外国民事诉讼法2。