- Stockloew's forceps for removing membranes 斯托克罗(氏)取膜镊
- Iterson's forceps for removing membranes 伊特森(氏)取膜镊
- Collin's forceps for removing membranes 柯林(氏)取膜镊
- forceps for removing membranes 取膜镊
- Sauerbruch's forceps for removing used dressings 索尔布鲁赫(氏)取敷料钳
- forceps for removing used dressings 去敷料钳, 纱布剥离钳
- forceps for removing concealed foreign bodies under x-ray, stabbing X线下深部异物取出用穿刺剪
- Here's a handy tip for removing stains from clothing. 这有个除掉衣服上污点的窍门儿。
- stabbing forceps for removing concealed foreign bodies under x-ray X线下深部异物取出用穿刺剪
- Used for removing ink particles in waste pulp. 用于脱除废纸将中的油墨粒子。
- What would you recommend for removing ink stain? 你看用什么方法可除去墨迹?
- What would you recommend for removing ink stains? 你看用什么方法可除去墨迹?
- On dictation equipment, a device for removing a recording from the recording medium. 在口述记录设备上,用来除去记录媒体上记录的一种装置。
- They banked out the coal in default of means for removing it. 他们因缺少搬运工具而把开出的煤堆起来。
- forceps for remove bone fragments from narrow and deep wounds 狭深创口取骨碎片用钳
- What do you advise for removing ink stains from clothes? 你有什么好办法除去衣服上的墨迹?
- What do you advise for removing grease (ink stains) from clothes? 你有什么好办法除去衣服上的油渍(墨水渍)?
- But what would have been the British motive for removing the body? 然而英国人转移拿破仑尸体的动机到底是什么呢?
- Lister's forceps for remove bone fragments from narrow and deep wounds 李斯特(氏)狭深创口取骨碎片用钳
- She told me a tip for removing stains from clothing. 她告诉了我一个除掉衣服上污点的小窍门。