- force feedback type servovalve 强制反馈型伺服阀
- This paper exactly devises one kind of feedback type pressure sensor using the principle of electromagnetic force feedback balance bonding thePID-control algorithm. 闭环方式适用于测量精度要求很高但动态要求不高的场合。
- position feedback type servovalve 位置反馈伺服阀
- The standard MOTUS 622i does not include any force feedback. 标准形是没有力反馈的。
- A master-slaver teleoperation system with force feedback is proposed. 该文设计了一种带力反馈的主从式遥操作系统。
- Patient can perceive the force on anklebone by force feedback of the haptic interface. 借助于触觉感知接口的力反馈作用可以使患者感觉到踝关节受到的作用力。
- The classification of DRO has been recommended and reflecting type DRO, feedback type DRO have been simulated and designed. 本文介绍了介质谐振振荡器(DRO)的分类,并对其中的反射式DRO 和并联反馈式DRO 进行了优化设计。
- A master-slave haptic device with gripping force feedback for the microsurgery of the blood vessel is presented. 摘要面向血管显微外科手术,研究开发了一套具有交互夹持力感觉的主从触感装置。
- The analog-structure DCCs are usually implemented as feedback type to get better accuracy with relatively long locking time. 类比式架构通常为回授型,以较长的锁定时间来获得较精准的工作周期校正。
- Based on topology,the paper suggest ed an easy easy-to-learn and practical met hod to identify the feedback type of an electronic circuit. 以电路结构为出发点,提出了一种简单易记.;实用的方法来识别放大电路的反馈组态
- The active sidestick is a modern man-machine interface that provides pilots with additional haptic information, otherwise known as force feedback. 此侧杆是现代的人和机械之间的界面给飞行员提供更多的触觉信息,就是力的感觉。
- Working principals of these systems including passive haptic force feedback and passive haptic force feedback active control were studied. 介绍了磁流变技术在触觉反馈系统中的应用。
- DUT source capacitance will also affect the noise performance of a feedback type ammeter. In general, as source capacitance increases, so does the noise gain. DUT的源电容也会影响反馈安培计的噪声性能。一般地说,源电容增加噪声增益也增加。
- The modeling of bicycle dynamics, motion cueing algorithm, and force feedback and 6-DOFmotion platform development are key technologies solved. 该系统解决了自行车动力学建模、体感模拟算法、力反馈生成以及六自由度运动平台开发等关键技术,建立了通用的交互式动感平台。
- To provide a realistic haptic feeling, a force feedback technique based on the mass-spring deformation model is proposed. 为了提供逼真的力回馈,我们使用以弹簧模塑为基础的力回馈计算。
- Theoretical analysis indicates that the force feedback improves the dynamic response character of the actuator,and a local state observer can solve the nonlinearity. 理论分析表明,采用作用力闭环可以改善执行器的动态响应,而利用局部状态观测器可以处理执行器的非线性特性。
- So a improved force feedback control method with the feature of a T-S fuzzy feedback coefficient, which could be modified online nonlinearly and continuously, is developed. 通过实验验证了改进方法的有效性。
- Aiming at solving the unsafety problem of milling vertebra wall in spine stenosis surgery, a spine robot system based on force feedback control strategy is introduced. 针对脊柱椎管狭窄症减压手术中椎管壁磨削不安全这一问题,介绍了一种基于力反馈控制策略的脊柱外科机器人系统。
- external feedback type oscillator circuit 外反馈式振荡电路
- ARQ mechanism in IEEE 802.16 can resolve the problems for data transmission on wireless link, but there is no appropriate solution for choosing the ARQ feedback types. IEEE 802.;16中规定的ARQ机制能够很好地解决无线链路上的数据传输问题,但是对于规定的几种ARQ反馈方式,协议并没有定义一个合适的选择算法。